Recent content by bodhipolitic

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    Stu Whisson's

    I just wondered if anyone had joined up to this recent venture, and how it was going? I've had a few e-mails about it and am curious! (I think they would help their cause if they posted up their completed trades though.) Thanks...
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    Trading the Easy Way - Ian Williams

    Has anyone procured this nice'n'easy guide? It originates from the House of Streetwise, and will soon be £400, but to you - £149! However, I'm still curious - if only I could rid myself of the HOG virus!
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    Zak Mir

    As a beginner, I was interested in getting another regular perspective from someone who knew what s/he was talking about (?!). I've also been looking at onewaybet... am I looking in the right places, or should I just use this site more diligently? All guidance gratefully received!
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    Zak Mir

    Does anyone subscribe to Zak's TA website? Any comments on its performance?