Your favourite quote.

Trading is brutal & unforgiving. A millisecond of a pause,delay, can be the difference between catching the boat or not. Miss the winning boats, & catch the sinking boats, and you can soon end up with a big gaping hole opening up in your account balance. One of the hardest things to do after a few consecutive losers, is to continue pulling the trigger. If you dont pull the trigger, sods law will likely see that you fail to trade the winners!!
Where's that one from?

This one's from Ralph Vince, MMM:
Cutting the fat out of the markets requires more than an understanding of money management principles. It requires the discipline to tolerate and endure emotional pain to a level that 19 out of 20 people cannot bear.
thanks for the qoute from Vince, to make it my own I have added some nuances:

Consistenly cutting the fat out of the market requires more than an understanding of pertinent market dynamics and sound money managment principles,

it requires ironfinger disicipline and the tolerance to endure emotional pain to levels that 19 out of 20 cannot bear.
And this one:

Most people like to think of themselves as risk takers, but what they really want is a guaranteed outcome with some momentary suspense to make them feel as if the outcome had been in doubt. The momentary suspense adds the thrill factor necessary to keep our lives from getting too boring.

-- Mark Douglas

Agreed on that one, People always love some type of Compensatory senstion.

Also like the one in my Signature .
If you know who owns who then the results of the investigations are logical and predictable. If you think justice will prevail purely on its own merits then you don't understand people.
If you know who owns who then the results of the investigations are logical and predictable. If you think justice will prevail purely on its own merits then you don't understand people.

In answer to your question DD of who did I quote from, I have to confess I made it up.
I was reading a thread about whether the CEO of Lehman's would be fined the hundreds of millions of dollars he got from them or would the investigation be a "whitewash".
There's no fool like an old fool

( except a horny old fool )

true story
me old mate from Uni rang yesterday . He had married a woman 30 years younger than himself. After 3 years of marriage she took him for just over a million quid payoff. The trouble is she is back for more !!
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My signature is my favourite quote, not gonna wright it again, as that would just be stupid.

It not only applies to this game; where you either have to be nuts or very determined to stick with it, but also to every aspect of life.
‘Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.’
— Thomas Alva Edison

this is also very true with trading, and each individual trade. How many times does the emotional trader bail out of a trade due to some spooky hunch, and then see it immediately go into profit! I reckon it is probably more often than they have a hunch, exit and then see it become a loss...murphys law!
empty your mind, be formless, shapeless like water.... follow the f'ing plan!
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