Windows 2000 freezing up

Ah, router and broadband problem then if that is the case, not modem connection?
Got a network problem somewhere
I've gone into 'computer management '(local) , then 'local users & groups, then 'users':
I have 3 types here:

I was thinking that if I got rid of two of these might help in some way?
Cuddles, before you start doing anything too drastic, try just changing the name of your computer slightly - like add a 4 to the end of its name or something - and see if it will restart without issuing all those errors you mentioned earlier (which seemed to be due to a duplicate NetBIOS name - ie Windows computer name - on the network).

Cuddles,sorry for the delay Iv'e been away, if your'e still experiencing problems ? did you change the compter name beforethe onset of your problem, or did you change any settings? you can try this, reboot and press F8 as soon as you see text on the monitor
you should get a menu to choose from, select Last Know Good..........and see if that solves it , if not you will need to go into control panel, computer managment, services and management which you will need to select from the left hand panel, then select services, if this is getting a little to complicated you can PM me with your phone number /or I can call you?, we can then try to solve this,I will be around until 5pm today
(I work nights mon-thurs) or over the weekend.............