Who's the biggest?


Legendary member
Is their any one, or a group of the largest banks/particapants/investors when it comes to GBP/USD?

I know that each market open (London (Europe) / America / Asia) are the major points in the day but in each of these times, are there certain banks/participants that stand out for this currency cross?

ie, Deutsche bank or The woolwich (as example only! ;) )

Tied into this question....

Do any of you use level II access for forex ? Is it possible to even use it for forex trading like with equities etc ? Is the cost/ reward ratio worth the extra dough ?
wasp said:
Is their any one, or a group of the largest banks/particapants/investors when it comes to GBP/USD?

I know that each market open (London (Europe) / America / Asia) are the major points in the day but in each of these times, are there certain banks/participants that stand out for this currency cross?

ie, Deutsche bank or The woolwich (as example only! ;) )



Then maybe Deutsche bank...
GammaJammer said:
Well in interbank terms there are two large, partly overlapping groups.

1) The largest tier 1 FX banks (obvious one really) as they see large flow across the whole spectrum of currencies.

2) The UK clearing banks (who see substantial 'franchise business' from their branch network etc).

Hardly rocket science to work those out. ;-)

As to investors, it doesn't really work like that. The largest investors globally are multi currency, and as such I wouldn't really describe them as a group that stick out in sterling, they're just big across the board. I think my first two examples are what you're looking for really, although I'm not really sure why you want to know.


Excuse my ignorance but I thought it may be useful to know....

Can you give a couple of examples for 1 and 2 as at the moment, they are't that obvious to me :eek:

A tier 1bank/clearing bank 'google' or 'wikipedia' search should get your answers....