Where are the "old" members

I am member no 1719 of 108325.
I wonder where oatman, riz, tradesmart etc are also?!
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Wow..... Seeing some of the old gang in here made me want to jump in to say "Hi" too. It's good to have an "old members" thread going. I poke in here from time to time to read all the great stuff...What a GREAT trader forum that T2W has here... Just fantastic!

As an update on all this. I know FTSE beater more or less left the public trading face to concentrate on his golf swing.

Helen Q started the excellent eurostoxx site, but received an official cease and desist notice from the eurostoxx people in reference to her web site.

It would be nice to find out what happened to Skim. I think she went on to better her trading at pastures new after a stupid run in with a couple of people on this site. Think she decided it wasn't worth the effort. And I agree with her there.

I had lunch with Skim and some other "old" t2w people summer 2007 and she was very well then.