Verdes management

How? Why are they not interested in the many other things that T2W has to offer?

And as far as I am aware, T2W has members rather than customers.

T2W survives on advertising and advertisers only advertise on sites that are being used and have a good footfall.
More "members" = more advertising revenue.
I stated quite clearly they may well have used the other services the site has once a member that would be entierly up to them.
But you defenders of the site have just pushed us away with your utter claptrap. I thought mistakenly it was a site for creating chat forums and threads but obv not.
Go back to your personal vendetas with some other poor sod i,m off.

Yes thats right thats when it began lol.CRETIN.
Had we used this site for our chat and research we would happily if asked have enlightened you to who and what VMP are and WHEN!!!!! they were set up for example.
Where do you do your research poindexter in an old copy of Punch ?
Anyhoo you enjoy your site we have decided to set up elsewhere.
T2W survives on advertising and advertisers only advertise on sites that are being used and have a good footfall.
More "members" = more advertising revenue.
I stated quite clearly they may well have used the other services the site has once a member that would be entierly up to them.
But you defenders of the site have just pushed us away with your utter claptrap. I thought mistakenly it was a site for creating chat forums and threads but obv not.
Go back to your personal vendetas with some other poor sod i,m off.

I have no idea why you are so upset with me.

What claptrap have I posted? Why do you describe me as a defender of this site? What vendetta have I launched against you?

Your answer still doesn't explain why these new members might not still enjoy T2W. Is their interest in trading and investing solely confined to a single seven year old company with no revenue?

You really do need to calm down. No wonder you have problems with people.
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Yes thats right thats when it began lol.CRETIN.
Had we used this site for our chat and research we would happily if asked have enlightened you to who and what VMP are and WHEN!!!!! they were set up for example.
Where do you do your research poindexter in an old copy of Punch ?
Anyhoo you enjoy your site we have decided to set up elsewhere.

So it started in 2005 and by 2010 and 2011 it had zero income? Tell me, what attracted you to this investment?