Ukraine invasion

A non-partisan research post - London
Furious Nato chief Jens Stoltenberg slams Trump for 'putting American and European soldiers at risk' after president told rally he would let Russia 'do whatever the hell they want' to member states that 'don't pay their dues'

Kiev regime must accept new reality before any peace talks

A non-partisan research post - London
Finland goes to the polls: 4.3million people cast their votes in presidential elections held amid tensions with Russia after country joined NATO
  • Alexander Stubb took the top spot in the first round of the election on January 28
  • The former conservative prime minister is the favourite to win the presidency
A non-partisan research post - London
Whopping 86% of voters say Joe Biden is 'too old' for another term after bombshell DOJ report suggests president is too feeble to be charged in classified documents case
A non-partisan research post - London
Recent Biden, Trump gaffes highlight struggles recalling names, dates

Kiev regime must accept new reality before any peace talks

Why would the Kremlin be concerned for Carlson's welfare? He has served his purpose by sitting down with Putler and publishing Putler's propaganda to the deranged audience faction in the West. He is indeed a useful idiot as far as Russia is concerned. This is Russian propaganda 101. It's not about Putler's BS justifications for the invasion of Ukraine, but simply a manipulation of the western democratic system which allows for differing views to be aired and discussed. A luxury that is not afforded to ordinary downtrodden Russians.
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A non-partisan research post - London
Russia's energy empire: Putin and the rise of Gazprom | DW Documentary

What also the German Nazis and the Japanese Unit 731 did during WWII:
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Russian security official blames US’ hands-off stance on Minsk for showdown with Moscow


Do you know ANY member of NATO which was defended in the whole history of this big mouth organization?
I remember only foreign countries invaded by NATO members to "protect" their own interests - in line with the interest of a usually not democratic political group there, including Ukraine.
A non-partisan research post - London
Russia mocks the West's fury over Trump after he said he'd encourage Putin to attack NATO nations who fail to pay bills: 'Do they seriously think we will bomb defaulters once a quarter?'
  • Trump said Russia could 'do whatever the hell they want' to any NATO country that does not meet its defence spending obligations
A non-partisan research post - London

Tucker Carlson claims he had 'off the record' chat with Putin after his interview and says he believes the Russian leader is willing to compromise on Ukraine​

A non-partisan research post - London
Russia mocks the West's fury over Trump after he said he'd encourage Putin to attack NATO nations who fail to pay bills: 'Do they seriously think we will bomb defaulters once a quarter?'
  • Trump said Russia could 'do whatever the hell they want' to any NATO country that does not meet its defence spending obligations
It does not make a difference .. but a small one: It makes Stoltenberg behaving like an insurance salesman fearing to lose his clients :ROFLMAO:

Do you know ANY member of NATO which was defended in the whole history of this big mouth organization?
I remember only foreign countries invaded by NATO members to "protect" their own interests
... and NATO didn't help ;)

A non-partisan research post - London

Tucker Carlson claims he had 'off the record' chat with Putin after his interview and says he believes the Russian leader is willing to compromise on Ukraine​

Do they just cancel the arrest warrants for war crimes if the war stops?

I think not.

Remind me c_v, where are we up to on the list of 'game changers' that's going to turn things around for Zelensky - are we up to 20 yet? It feels like it.
This is yet another nothingburger that'll make no difference to the eventual outcome of the conflict - a complete waste of time and tax payers money. Again.
A non-partisan research post - London
Kamala Harris insists she is 'ready to serve' as growing voter concerns about Joe Biden's age and cognitive decline impact his re-election bid
  • The vice president tried to reassure skeptics about her ability to serve as the president of the United States
  • 'I am ready to serve. There's no question about that,' she said
  • Questions about President Joe Biden's age and health continue as a wide majority of voters cite it as a concern in the 2024 election
A non-partisan research post - London

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