TV Show Suggestions


Experienced member
Anyone highly recommend any TV shows?

I have recently caught up with Yellowstone.
Love it!! Highly recommend! :)
Anyone highly recommend any TV shows?

I have recently caught up with Yellowstone.
Love it!! Highly recommend! :)
Hi Nowler !

Welcome back.

Except for the news and game shows (ie: Jeopardy) I try to watch as little TV as possible.

There is one show which I do watch from time to time and that’s called “Wicked Tuna” which is about Bluefin tuna fishing off the coast of New England. If you have ever gone deep sea fishing and loved it you would also love the show. The show is international with its viewing audience so check it out sometime.

Take care.
Cheers! Good to be back!
I've not really had anything to say - just sitting pretty with my portfolio... waiting...waiting...waiting

Thanks for the suggestion!
I used to enjoy watching Deadliest Catch, so maybe I'll like this.

I've been recommended White Lotus, and another show called Inside Man...
No idea what they are about, but i'll let you guys know if they are any good.

Have many of the old regulars sailed off into the sunset? Or are they still active here?
I had a quick look at recent threads/posts and seems like a new wave of people here