Trading with point and figure



24250 break

Tried linux before but had serious problems getting mt4 to work.

Problems I had yesterday was partly my fault as I dont normally let W10 update until the weekend. Running an i5 laptop and pc now but after using Denise's i7 yesterday, it was an eye opener. Its probably wasted on her but there you go! lol

Point taken about getting MT4 to run under Linux. It was indeed fiddly and I had a couple of false starts - there's an awful lot of help available in online forums and I used most of it:)

One thing that I've noticed about W10 (more so than with previous versions of Windows) is that it seems to slow down much faster. I recently did a clean reinstall on my PC after only 6 months and the difference was pretty dramatic. If Linux ain't for you then a reinstall might breathe a bit of life into it - after all, an I5 is by no means a slow coach even if you've got a low-end one.

Nas 100 is a better instrument for you....imho
EG is too politically sensitive

Thanks, I shall look into it.

I do though, have a practical reason for my apparent EG obsession but don't think the forum is quite the right place to explain.
Got a nice haul down from 13230, now it should go back up, let's see

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Taken 1L spec long on EG at .8693. Thinking that when the "deal" news is digested over the w/e that there'll be a bit of a bounce.

Wasn't expecting anyfink today but pips is pips so I'm out at .8750 for +57.

Done for the week

ABT to all for a pleasant w/e:)