Trading two FX pairs but trade using one button?


Established member
My question is simple, I wish to be able to trade 2 pairs on a ECN platform (i'm spreading them) but I want to be able to trade the 2 pairs using one button. So for example if I wanted to go long on one pair but short on another, is there a way I could do this buy just clicking once? Interactive brokers do have this function but it is not available at this time and they say it will be months until they sort it??

I know the usual way to spread is calendar type spreading but I am not doing this, i am just trading one pair against the other pair.

Can anyone help I would appreciate it.
I guess you could do it with an API?

Which pairs are you looking to spread?
In affect it means i'm really trading Aud Nzd if i'm neutral Usd. This is my aim.
I do, and i'm using hot spot FXi, but I think I will be able to make more points spreading the difference of the 2 pairs as the spreads are negligible compared to the Aud Nzd, and I would be able to trade more of the time as there would be far better liquidity more of the time.