trading the news

Hi fbazuaye has lots of very insightful information on economic data. I'm not sure if theres anything along the lines of news trading strategy, but theres plenty of information on and descriptions of, the many economic news releases.
new_trader said:

If you click on the 'Statistic' it ranks the importance from A-F. This will give you some idea of how the market will react.

if yahoo' s ranking is what you are relying on, its probably rank - the market has seen it already, digested it and likely spat it out - don't rely on this.
This is a very good question. Applying econmic data to trading is becoming a very difficult game nowadays. In the past it was possible to get an edge by speaking to 'people in the know', information wasnt as widely available as it is now, so you were able to get a marginal edge over the crowd. Sometimes you will find the how the price action is after key data will give you a good feel for how the mkt is positioned and which way it wants to go. Use economic analysis to formulate your macro views to supplement your trading not for reactionary trading. Rememeber trading is about risk management not just direction!