Trading the Indices with Algorithms


Junior member
Because of 24 hours mkts, I find that I miss a lot of optimum entry points ...
I been using Ablesys a Trend following very unique and expensive system,for quite a number of years and I am very familiar in reading the algorithms that allows you to spend more time trading and less time analyzing with very accurate results ..
I have had 25 yeats experience trading NQ, ES, RTY, YM. and NKD ... I am a proffesional , very dedicated and discipline trader..
I would like to meet equally dedicated discipline trader(s) , to take turns watching for optimum entry points, and share other techniques, and market data to make it more profitable for everyone involved....
We could use Teamviewr, or Skype if you prefer, anyone interested please let me know. Only serious ,dedicated traders who are consistent in pulling money out of the markets on a daily basis traders who are disciplined dedicated and willing to work hard to achieve success , puntual , reliable, willing to commit to the type of trading where failure is not an option ......Let me hear from you if you feel we have something in common


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    NQ 3 min.PNG
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Because of 24 hours mkts, I find that I miss a lot of optimum entry points ...
I been using Ablesys a Trend following very unique and expensive system,for quite a number of years and I am very familiar in reading the algorithms that allows you to spend more time trading and less time analyzing with very accurate results ..
I have had 25 yeats experience trading NQ, ES, RTY, YM. and NKD ... I am a proffesional , very dedicated and discipline trader..
I would like to meet equally dedicated discipline trader(s) , to take turns watching for optimum entry points, and share other techniques, and market data to make it more profitable for everyone involved....
We could use Teamviewr, or Skype if you prefer, anyone interested please let me know. Only serious ,dedicated traders who are consistent in pulling money out of the markets on a daily basis traders who are disciplined dedicated and willing to work hard to achieve success , puntual , reliable, willing to commit to the type of trading where failure is not an option ......Let me hear from you if you feel we have something in common

Why not automate the whole thing, for sure it will be cheaper and safer than recruiting people off the internet...
The NASDAQ 100 initially went sideways but fell after the jobs number came out. we bounced from there, and it looks likely to continue going higher based upon the significant bounce. If we can make a fresh, new high, and the case strongly points towards it will , market probably headed to the 6100 level, and then possibly the 6200 level after that. The breakout above the 6000 level was vital, and of course a game changer . I think that’s going to bring in fresh money, there should be plenty of fresh buyers willing to get in on these dips, as we continue to build on the break out on Friday
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Scenario #1 Look for a slew of sell orders at the open , to spike down the NQ followed by a slow grind up as a continuatoin of the uptrened continuesIf the grind up goes on usually high during the late nite hours, Look for a dip on the Asian open........ Scenario #2 ....The spike down is followed up by continued selling into the Asian open Scenario #3 A barragae of buy orders would propel the Indez higher right off the open............Note: All 3 of the scenario could be handle with a tight bracket order with the usual settings optimized for the Sunday open , with a 6 tick stop loss, Do multiple lots , take profit at 8 ticks , and leave a chaser......Goal : To get a head start on next session trading, capture profit and cover stops for Tomorrows Am open, ...
Note: NK could test an ICBM and pres could order a srike at any time , both eventualities seems to be priced into the cake, however either one could cause mkt to sell off and a surge in PM's
Why not automate the whole thing, for sure it will be cheaper and safer than recruiting people off the internet...
I don't Trust automation , I like to see how prices interact with price support levels and often make my decisions based on that... I don't think robots will ever replace humans, another rson is humans are very competitive animals ! Kind of like working out , working out at home by yourself is often boring, when you get in a more competive enviorement , then it becomes fun ...Trading I find myself I do better when trading with others.... Or shooting pool , when shooting pool with myself , I don't often feel motivated to be my best, however when shooting pool with excellent players, and pusgh myself to thelime to be my best , trading of rme is like that , trading alone or automated is often boring, but the human interaction of competting seeing our accounts grow , and the comraredie ,alone is worth the effort.... When trading was 8am-4:15pm things were different, now with the advent of 24 hours trading you really need a team effort in order to make the amount of money that I have my goals set on .......
I don't Trust automation , I like to see how prices interact with price support levels and often make my decisions based on that... I don't think robots will ever replace humans, another good reason for me is that humans are very competitive animals ! Kind of like working out , working out at home by yourself is often boring, when you get in a more competive enviorement , then it becomes fun ...Trading I find myself I do better when trading with others.... Or shooting pool , when shooting pool with myself , I don't often feel motivated to be my best, however when shooting pool with excellent players, and push myself to the limit to be my best , trading for me is like that , trading alone or automated is often boring, but the human interaction of competition seeing our accounts grow together , and the comraredie ,alone is worth the effort.... When trading was 8am-4:15pm things were different, now with the advent of 24 hours trading you really need a team effort in order to make the amount of money that I have my goals set on .......
I don't Trust automation , I like to see how prices interact with price support levels and often make my decisions based on that... I don't think robots will ever replace humans, another rson is humans are very competitive animals ! Kind of like working out , working out at home by yourself is often boring, when you get in a more competive enviorement , then it becomes fun ...Trading I find myself I do better when trading with others.... Or shooting pool , when shooting pool with myself , I don't often feel motivated to be my best, however when shooting pool with excellent players, and pusgh myself to thelime to be my best , trading of rme is like that , trading alone or automated is often boring, but the human interaction of competting seeing our accounts grow , and the comraredie ,alone is worth the effort.... When trading was 8am-4:15pm things were different, now with the advent of 24 hours trading you really need a team effort in order to make the amount of money that I have my goals set on ......
I don't Trust automation , I like to see how prices interact with price support levels and often make my decisions based on that... I don't think robots will ever replace humans, another good reason for me is that humans are very competitive animals ! Kind of like working out , working out at home by yourself is often boring, when you get in a more competive enviorement , then it becomes fun ...Trading I find myself I do better when trading with others.... Or shooting pool , when shooting pool with myself , I don't often feel motivated to be my best, however when shooting pool with excellent players, and push myself to the limit to be my best , trading for me is like that , trading alone or automated is often boring, but the human interaction of competition seeing our accounts grow together , and the comraredie ,alone is worth the effort.... When trading was 8am-4:15pm things were different, now with the advent of 24 hours trading you really need a team effort in order to make the amount of money that I have my goals set on .......
Using bracket order on Sunday open

After being closed for two days there are often trade imbalances , here is an example of this technique by using bracket orders last Sunday 8-1-17 on the NQ


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    NQ Sunday 8-10-17.PNG
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This Technique works well on Currencies also , here is an examle of a bracket order being used on the JY last Sunday 's open


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I don't Trust automation , I like to see how prices interact with price support levels and often make my decisions based on that... I don't think robots will ever replace humans, another rson is humans are very competitive animals ! Kind of like working out , working out at home by yourself is often boring, when you get in a more competive enviorement , then it becomes fun ...Trading I find myself I do better when trading with others.... Or shooting pool , when shooting pool with myself , I don't often feel motivated to be my best, however when shooting pool with excellent players, and pusgh myself to thelime to be my best , trading of rme is like that , trading alone or automated is often boring, but the human interaction of competting seeing our accounts grow , and the comraredie ,alone is worth the effort.... When trading was 8am-4:15pm things were different, now with the advent of 24 hours trading you really need a team effort in order to make the amount of money that I have my goals set on .......

Fair enough... I am a bit opposite, I like boring trading and keep the excitement for my favorite team, which unfortunately has been a disappointment this year so far and really keeps me excited to say the least..
Algos let me know how low prices can drop

Reviewing this weeks trading Range for the Russel ....
In case of a steep drop , I can count on the Algos programmed into may program to let me know ahead of time how low prices can go (Blue Dots ) on this 30 minute Chart from Friday


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    Russel 30 min 8-10.PNG
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And of course how high prices are likely to go Red and Yellow arrows, each is a different Algo , programmed a bit different,depending on how tight you want your stop to be !
That's the goal. What are your results ? 8 hour sleep should give you 16 trading hours a day currently.
That too much , quality time when you are dealing with Algos! Did you see my charts? The only time is important is when prices reach the coordinates , then timing becomes crucial ...Set your stop and relax, but I can't watch 24 hours, because it always seems to touch the coordinates at odds times when your not watching ! that why we need to assemble a team, and take turns watching
That's the goal. What are your results ? 8 hour sleep should give you 16 trading hours a day currently.
that way too many hours , Did you see my charts, Algos give you the exact corrdinates, problem is they always seem to hit when you are not watching...! :( Hence the need to assemble a team, and take turns watching ! ...
That's the goal. What are your results ? 8 hour sleep should give you 16 trading hours a day currently.
That way too many hours , Algos gives the exact corrdinates, problem is they always seem to hit when you are not watching :( Hence the idea to have a team and take turns watching .....