tracking performace with IB


Junior member
i have been manually tracking my performance for quite a while, and other than the obvious reasons of it being not only tedious, but tiresome, i have began to look for an "easier" method. is anyone familiar with ways in which this can be done? i'm sure that this may seem like a stupid question to those who have been mechanically tracking their performance for a while, but i haven't had much success in my search attempts. essentially, i'm looking for some way that i can simply export my daily reports from IB into another program that will simply track the data in a "user-friendly" way. by this i simply mean that i am trying to find something that will be able to compute all of the basic components of tracking a trading system (# of winners, # of losers, avg. per win, avg. per loss, avg. holding time, etc...) in a relatively intuitive fashion. is something like this available and i'm just not seeing it?

i sincerely appreciate any suggestions/insight
