The False Premise Argument


Well-known member

You wrote:

"TV came in with a fairly ambitious claim about the likely results of his system. Nothing new there. He then got a 'mixed' response (i.e. some neutral members, some keen to sign up straight away, some overtly sceptical but watching with interest and some plain abusive from the get-go). Again, nothing at all new there.

He then proceeded to fan the flames by abusing all and sundry (including being downright patronising to people who had asked genuine questions, some of whom are experienced traders), and thouroughly spat the dummy when it became clear that he wasn't simply going to come in, convince everyone straight away that this was the real deal and have his mastery of the EUR/USD market simply taken as read."


This is why things turn into BS sessions all the time on this forum. People fabricating and injecting a false premise that leads to false conclusions. You cannot argue honestly, forthrightly, ethically and with any degree of candor when you mix falsities inside your otherwise correct premise. It has the effect of destroying your entire summation.

Attorney’s attempt to get away with this all the time. However, a good opposing attorney will spot the false injection and make darn sure that the jury gets the other side of the story. An even better attorney will allow that false premise injector to run his course, before clearly demonstrating why the premise is false. This has the effect of allowing the false injector just enough rope to hang him/herself.

Wrong. You have the timeline all wrong. You’ve twisted the facts to prove a false point. A point that has no real basis in reality. A point that only has a basis in your own mind, but not in fact. I was not the one who launched the flames on this forum regarding my posts. You are flat out wrong!

My very first post which had nothing to do with trading profiles and everything to do with what people here thought about the concept of Trading Accuracy, was attacked FIRST. I simply asked a straight forward question: “How do you measure Accuracy in your trading” (paraphrasing). That topic for some reason attracted those who felt the need to belittle the question.

It is those people who initiated the negativity form that point forward – NOT Tradevector. Please get the premise correct before you deliver a flawed summary. The fact that you then had people praising you for getting the premise wrong, says a lot about some of the people on this forum. The fact that they would praise a flawed premise that lead to a flawed summation of the facts, speaks volumes.

It was from that point forward that I received nothing but lunacy from certain members of this forum, who could not deal with the fact that somebody else created something that they could not fully understand or fully comprehend. I simply responded in LIKE kind and punched back. The punch back was then further taken out of context and blamed on me as being the aggressor. I was never the aggressor here – but I also never backed down either AND I made that point several times before.

Certain people on this forum want to be able to say whatever they want – and if you dare straighten them out or call them on the carpet and show them their false premise, they have the audacity to call you condescending and arrogant, when all you have done is responded to them they way the approached you originally. It is some of the most backwards thinking that people love to do on online forums.

This is not unique to this forum. I see this happening on various kinds of forums on the net. People trying to cover their tracks, make themselves out to be the “cool headed one”, by misstating the facts (injecting a false premise) and hoping that nobody actually goes back and reads the record for themselves.

Now, those are the facts. You can sugar coat them anyway you chose, but it does not change the facts – nor does it make a false premise, a valid premise. All it does is demonstrate that this type of behavior is the norm for the online community. People taking things out of context to make themselves look good in the eyes of those who don’t pay attention to the details.

I call it being intellectually dishonest – what do you call it when somebody falsifies a premise to make an empty point? Go back and re-read the record. I have not deleted ANY thing relevant to understanding what I have just written.

However, there was a post of mine in another thread that was a response to someone else’s absurd claims that they actually knew my trading system better than I did (which is BS), that all of a sudden came up missing. Now, who has the power to make a post that was already posted – come up missing?

Do yourself a favor and wake up. Not everybody is stupid and unable to figure out what’s going on here. If you state a premise – make darn sure it is rock solid before you do. Otherwise, somebody like me who is really good at analyzing things will pick apart your attempted cover-up with an electron microscope.
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I read through your posts TV but to be honest I am no wiser about trading for it than I was before I took the time to read. Good effort though. You make some good points and it is obvious you have thought about the subject at length but there are no specifics only a link to some place telling everybody how easy Forex is...yeah right.
You make claims about having developed some holy grail system, which is fine, I have one of those too, but why post this on a board if you are not prepared to get into specifics. If this is all just an introduction and eventually you will start to discuss real ideas and strategy, fine, I stand corrected, but if this is just going to continue with endless mails that go on about the airy fairy aspects that can be found in many places on the web and in trading literature then people will likely stop reading.
What I am trying to work out is if:
a. you are trying to sell something in a long winded fashion
b. this is an attempt to try out part of a book you want to publish on a trading audience.
b. your ego needs to preach your own gospel for some psychological benefit.
c. you actually are trying to learn something from other experienced traders on this forum and improve yourself also. (if you believe you still have things to learn).
d. you are feeling philanthropic after making 3mil so want to offer all the wannabes a crumb
e. you are deliberately trying to wind people up.
f. you have escaped from hospital and we need to inform the authorities
Please elucidate.
I hope you do not take this the wrong way but past responses suggests you might.
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