T2W Bookstores (NEW! Special Offers)


For some time we've had T2W Bookstores both in the US (courtesy of Traders Library) and UK (courtesy of Global Investor). You may have seen promotions listed in the newsletter, store offer emails or publicised in the Store Announcements forum.

We'll we've now made it easier to access - you'll see a new link across the top menu bar of T2W, called 'Books'. This automatically takes you to our UK Bookstore if you're in the UK or Europe, and our US bookstore for the US and the rest of the world. Or you can simply go to:

http://www.trade2win.com/books/us/ - for the T2W US Bookstore
http://www.trade2win.com/books/uk/ - for the T2W UK Bookstore

Our UK Bookstore is fully integrated into T2W, while our US Bookstore will be in the next month or so.

To celebrate the launch of the new section still we've negotiated some exclusive special offers not available anywhere else, just visit the respective links above to see what's up for grabs.
In case you missed this last night - we've added a new bookstore section to T2W. I've highlighted the new section, 'Books' in bold in the menu bar in the header for now just so you're aware it's there.

To celebrate the launch of the new look bookshop we've set up some special offers on some great trading titles:

Featured titles

and also take a look at our Top 10 Bestsellers and our list of new titles.

All the books are at competitive prices and we can offer a fast turnaround and personal customer service on all orders. Also, unlike some online stores we have real people at the end of the phones so do feel free to give us a call! Tel: 01730 233870

To celebrate the launch of the new look bookshop we've set up some special offers on some great trading titles:

Featured titles

and also take a look at our Top 10 Bestsellers and our list of new titles.

All the books are at competitive prices and we can offer a fast turnaround and personal customer service on all orders. Also, unlike some online stores we have real people at the end of the phones so do feel free to give us a call! Tel: 01730 233870

I can't get any of the links to the Global Investor Bookstore to work anymore. Is there a reason for this? It looks like the domain is up for sale :-0:?:
Hi - I'm afraid we did have a technical glitch today, but it's all sorted now and the bookshop is back up and running - apologies for any inconvenience caused.