Switching from a fund - MBA/MFE or new job next?


I was a little confused regarding what to do ahead in my career. After my undergrad degree n engg. I got a job with a prestigious eng. firm as a software engineer before joining a small hedge fund as a trading assistant. I've been here for 1.5 years and the works been sort of stagnant and Im looking to move on.
I've basically been doing risk arb here and I guess the reason Im looking to move on is that its not gone beyond that. Plus I dont' get paid as well to be happy doing the same thing everyday.
Im comtemplating on a masters degree.. not sure if I should go for a degree in financial engineering, or a MBA in finance. My aim is to get into a trading role after that. At the same time Im also looking at other job opportunities. But with my mixed background (of engg and then finance, where I haven't really got much to talk about except an exposure to financial markets) I think it could be a challenging switching jobs. I actually dont mind joining a graduate's job as that will atleast provide me some training, which I did not have with my current firm (probably because it is too small)
Can anyone of you advise me on what I should do. Is MBA/MFE a good idea, if yes, which one. Also, what roles could I look at for my job search. I guess other funds, prop traders etc could be one option. You help will be much appreciated.