Stockopedia Virtual Fund Game


Hi, Stockopedia are now running a Virtual Fund game for those that are interested in comparing their performance with others investing in the UK market (LSE and Aim Listed stocks). It looks quite good, although it's early days (it launched a month or so ago). You start off with a £1 million pounds and can make unlimited trades (15 basis points' trading cost).

Check it out:
Stockopedia Funds

The basic rules are set out here:
Stockopedia Help pages - funds-trading

I think they are planning to build a top 100 list of UK investors, similar to Marketocracy in the States.

The search is on for the smartest investor in the UK...

Stockopedia Searches for the Best Private Investor in the UK

Stockopedia today announces the forthcoming launch of the 2009 Stockopedia Challenge to try to find the best private investor in the UK. The competition is open to all applicants and goes live on March 31st 2009 until December 31st 2009. The winner will receive free flights for two from London to Wall Street. To join in the Challenge, you can sign up for free at Stockopedia Fantasy Fund Challenge 2009 before March 31st 2009.