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Hi all I am so excited. A trading educator has just emailed me to say he will turn me into a FUND MANAGER!! And for 14K euros!

Look below:

(if you can't be bothered with reading it, here's the summary: A simple trading technique he was selling and trading live for 97 euros (and freely available all over the web) for 4 weeks is now being sold for 14K).

"Dear Forex Trader,

Over the past 4 years I’ve taught hundreds of students through online training the same strategies I use to professionally manage funds for my European clients but… As effective as that can be, it can only go so far since there is no one on one mentor relationship.

With that in mind… I’ve decided to setup a highly advanced one on one mentor program for only 5 students over the course of the year. With this mentor program, it’s not just about teaching you a highly profitable system but…

My ultimate goal is to help turn you into a professional money manager. This means that not only will you be able to successfully trade for yourself, but join our team and trade for high net worth individuals.

The reality of trading is while you can make a really lucrative living from it, you don’t get super rich trading for yourself, but… You can make a lot of money when you’re able to successfully manage millions of dollars of other peoples money.(O.P.M.)

Before I go any further, I want to be up front with you and tell you that becoming a professional money manger is not easy and is going to take a lot of dedication, time and effort.

You will ultimately have to become a master of all of the following:

Technical Analysis
Money Management
Trade Execution
Economic News Analysis
Fundamental Analysis
Trade Management

Time Management
Portfolio Allocation
Risk Analysis
Client Acquisition
Emotional Control & Discipline

Here are just some of the things I will teach you so that you master all of the above…

You’ll learn how to trade aggressively & conservatively and most important, when it is safest to trade these ways.
You’ll learn day trading, scalping and swing trading setups. Once you’ve mastered all these styles, you’ll be able to trade all market conditions and find many trading opportunities.
Discover my powerful tricks and tips to overcome mental issues like fear and greed. Without a doubt emotional issues can cause even the best traders to lose money so for that reason we will spend a lot of time on this. And when your managing O.P.M. there is no room for emotional issues to get in the way.
Learn which forex pairs to trade for the highest possible return with the smallest possible risk. You will also be taught other financial markets suited for our trading style. Having the ability to trade multiple markets is a big key to professional money management as it helps to smooth the risk out for the client.
Learn hands on with me how to do your analysis and apply it the right time frames.
You’ll learn how to organize your screen with the pairs we would like to trade and how to quickly analyze multiple markets for potential high profit and low risk trades.
It’s one thing to learn things from a book or by watching a video but when you’re trading live it is completely different. For this reason we will teach you how to trade live markets so that your fully prepared for the world of live trading versus hypothetical demo trading.
The only way to successfully manage other peoples money is to have step by step iron-clad rules for your system. There has to be 100% mechanical rules for entries, exits, money management and disaster management. Failure to have clear cut rules that are applied consistently is one of the biggest reason traders end up failing. I’ll give you step by step rules so that you are never left guessing what to do.
Learn how to create a powerful trading journal that will help you continually refine your trading skills and help build your equity curve. Trading journals are a secret weapon of top traders as it helps to keep them focused and on top of their game. It also helps them to quickly identify why they are on a losing streak and what they need to do to get back on track.
I will teach you how to determine the proper risk management for your clients so that they feel safe and want to refer their friends. You’ill aslo learn that almost everything you’ve been taught about risk management is wrong.
I will show you how to document your track record and how to present this information to clients.
Learn to and focus on your success instead of focusing on failure. This is crucial so that you don’t end up with “Can’t Pull The Trigger Syndrome”.
Learn to avoid fatal mistakes through our own costly personal mistakes. Not only will this be a lot less painful for you, but it will improve your trading skills faster as well
Learn how to absorb what is very useful on the charts and reject everything useless. This is a vital skill as you need to know exactly what to focus on and what things will put money in your pocket. Conversely you’ll need to know all the things that will distract you and cause you take the wrong trades or miss out on profitable trades as well.
Discover and improve your relationship to money. It’s amazing how even the most well trained traders can sabotage their success when they have negative subconscious programs in their mind regarding money.
A big part of being a professional money manager is learning to be responsible for your actions and your personal trading. We I’ll teach you this vital aspect in detail.

The Curriculum:

On average we will have 1-2 live sessions every week….of course you can take breaks if you need vacation or a time out in between…the important thing is that you enjoy trading without too much pressure. Depending on a students needs and the material, some sessions will be one on one and others will be with the other 4 traders.
After about 3 month you will be ready to trade your first live account with MY money…this will help you getting used to manage other peoples money…I fund 1 live account for each student and hold your hand while you do your first money management steps….This is the most important part… Taking action,being responsible, sticking to the rules while the “bad teacher” is watching.
I’ll support you mentally and also make sure that you stick to the rules. Remember I have access to the account and will check every more. It puts some pressure on you but will make the learning process much faster and very steady. Also you keep all the profits made on these accounts and… When you grow the accounts steady, we will will give you bigger accounts to trade later on.
After a year you should be ready to manage real big accounts as long as you keep doing what I’ve taught you.
As an added bonus when you’ve proven that you can successfully manage money I’ll reveal how to have an almost unfair advantage through using software only available to institutional level traders with million dollar accounts.

As mentioned above I’m only taking 5 students into our ”FEARLESS FIVE” mentor program over the next 12 months. The reason is that I have limited time and it will require a lot of one on one time with our students to get them up to my high standards. Also keep in mind there is no “cookie-cutter” approach to what I’m doing because every student will have very different needs. For this reason much of our one on one training will be created around your current needs and abilities.

If this is something you would be interested in here are some important details…

1. You will need to schedule a interview with me so that we can determine how serious you are and whether or not we think you have the potential to become a money manager.

2. To be honest, the program is going to require a lot of effort and dedication and therfore it’s not for everyone.

3. The cost is 14,500 Euros. While that may seem like a substantial amount to some of you, keep in mind you will receive a full year of hands on training from us. Remember we’re just not teaching you how to trade, but how to turn this into a potentially lucrative career. Also keep in mind college students regularly spend $20,000 or more per year in tuition with absolutely no guarantee of a job. There are also a handful forex education companies that charge as much as $30,000 and all they do is teach you how to trade.

4. You must be willing to commit 100% for the full year. I’m going to commit 100% to you and need to know you will do the same.

NOTE: There are only 3 slots left for this program.

To further ensure your success I’ve enlisted the help of my friend Dr. Jeff Wilde. He’s been trading since 1990 and has taught more than 14,000 students in over 127 countries. He will be working hand in hand with you and you’ll have him on call anytime you need additional help."

Do you think I should do it??

Do you think his previous emails and blog posts about one of his successful students (not made up honest...) 'Dimitris' as now being a successful fund manager is a coincidence??

Do you think his trading partner and famous internet marketeer Dr Jeff Wilde, a person whom, with his father, invested in a well known Ponzi sheme scam 'Justbeenpaid', would also be a great mentor????

Should I spend 14K euros, even though his simple method can be found for free on various websites?????! (and it uses the secret HA candles with emas and trendlines -you know all those secret indicators that the really big money managers use to make billions every day.

Please, give me your advice oh wise ones of T2W!!!!???? :LOL:
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  • 2080981323-1.jpg
    91.1 KB · Views: 355
I'll teach you how to trade for only 5,000 euros. Payment is due up front. Then, after I return from my month long vacation in the Caribbean, we can get started. Hurry though, there are only 89 trainee positions left to fill and they are going fast.

Wackypete is charging 5000 for his training. I never normally discount this sort of thing,but to help out a newbie I am prepared to only charge 4500. This of course is subject to non disclosure agreement that has a 5000 deposit requirement and you passing an aptitude test.Let me know
Wackypete is charging 5000 for his training. I never normally discount this sort of thing,but to help out a newbie I am prepared to only charge 4500. This of course is subject to non disclosure agreement that has a 5000 deposit requirement and you passing an aptitude test.Let me know

Do I get a ******"HEDGE FUND MANAGER"****** certified certificate of certification?

Or is that only if I do the:


Do I get a ******"HEDGE FUND MANAGER"****** certified certificate of certification?

Or is that only if I do the:



No need to do the course. I will print you one for £150. £200 if you want it in colour.
This business is getting too cutthroat for me. I may have to scale back my family vacations to twice a year and sell one of the Ferrari's. You know the economy is going to sh1t when you can't even make a dishonest living anymore (n)


Now that would be a GREAT indictor to have on one's charts.

THE DLI (Dishonest Living Index). "Tells you when we are in a recession of a recession (i.e in deep ****e)". Yours now for a poultry $97 per week (Full Credit terms apply -You may lose your house and other stuff (i.e your life), if you don't keep paying us for this ccrrap, I mean wonderful lifetime opportunity enhancement.

HOW IT WORKS: The DLI is fully automated, scanning the web for the latest Forex Trading Scam (FTS scanner - an additional poultry $997 per month per licence per pc but we won't tell you that you need the scam scanner until you've paid for the DLI ).

Without the Scam Scanner, you won't find those very wealthy HEDGE FUND MANAGERS selling $97 forex courses and $14500 mentorship providings. Particularly responsive to HEDGE FUND MANAGERS who enlist the help of $97 Forex Trading Course System Internet Marketting Gurus (who openly admit to being scammed by ridiculous on line Ponzi schemes like justbeenpaid).

!!!!Get it now, only 3 available and offer closes in 5 mins and the world will blow up in a few hours and a big black black whole will swallow you up etc etc and other true facts to make you panick and press that buy button.!!!
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