spanish89's Daily Trading Journal!! Whooooo ;)

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So i would strong suggest no-one attempt to trade oil tomorrow, not even a cheeky little scalp as you could get caught up in the wrong direction and then your ****ed hard! :LOL::devilish::whistling

We all risk getting caught in the wrong direction everytime we trade, Spanish. But those with any brains, get out when that happens.

My call for tomorrow is to buy ftse sept future £2 point at the lowest point in the morning you can get it at, stick a stoploss of about 800points, and then just sit back and relax, because ftse is so cheap now that its a great bargain for buying.

If you still don't understand that nothing is ever "cheap" then you've really not learnt a thing.

Sugar once fell from $1.25 to 0.2c. Many big traders that have been around a lot longer than you were wiped out buying a "great bargain".
"Mate if you dont actually have a clear idea of where the oil is going tomorrow i would strongly advise you just take a day off the oil and not trade it at all.. "

Fair play Spanish, you have taken on board something that people have said..........

probably the most sensible thing you've said
When S89 initiated another thread asking a more sensible question I thought, "ok, maybe he's maturing fast, I'll help him". My next thought was, "hey, let's just see how this pans out first before wasting my time; he's unlikely to have changed THAT much".
It didn't take long before he reverted.....
For him to accuse people on this board of anti-Spanish feeling demonstrated his total lack of sensibility yet again.
Now he can carry on as he wishes demonstrating his ego and self-regard,(a trader's worst enemy), but what has bothered me from the beginning is the way he has led others astray with his intra-volatility, massive stop, simplistic trading - an approach which inevitably leads to disaster.
I suppose when they see the way he behaves and trades - and still follow him - they deserve whatever befalls them.
Still, it's a shame. Especially when some of them are throughly decent people.
I keep hearing this thrown around about people following SPs calls,

I for one would not follow anyones calls, not even mr charts calls. Reason been tht at the end of the day its my money if it goes tits up and i only have confidence in myself. unless i agree with the calls and reasoning behind it.

So anyone 'if there is anyone' following these calls obviously feels tht this style of trading is the way to go.

Good luck to em, they are in for a rollercoaster of a ride.
We all risk getting caught in the wrong direction everytime we trade, Spanish. But those with any brains, get out when that happens.

If you still don't understand that nothing is ever "cheap" then you've really not learnt a thing.

Sugar once fell from $1.25 to 0.2c. Many big traders that have been around a lot longer than you were wiped out buying a "great bargain".

it is the principle behind Buffet's and Steinhardt's trading :) value trading... sure those things happen, but it is still a strategy. Just needs to be developed... A lot...
[So I'm not going to offer any more advice as it's just a waste of time.

SP asks some Q that some of us also dont know and are waiting on your answer
He's not even asking questions any more.

He thinks he knows it all (after 5 months) and is giving everyone else advice now. :eek:

Yesterdays call was a classic. FTSE is going up he said - well it did I suppose for an hour before falling over 100 points..... Just goes to show you can justify anything taken in the right context.

And todays advice is to risk £1600 on the FTSE going up to make £100 maybe..


I continue to read with a morbid interest, you know it's coming - just when, how long before reality bites him in the bum...
"As when the **** did goldman sachs or or morgan stanley even come close to doing what im doing on a daily basis"

oh deary me. just seen this pearler....
And for those who think the FNM and FRE fall was out of the blue, have a look at this where I alerted those stocks on my watch list one and a half hours BEFORE they collapsed.....check out the time of the collapse and the time stamp (UK time) on the image of my alert.
Mods - this is not an advert, please don't take it as such; my group is private....


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I keep hearing this thrown around about people following SPs calls,

I for one would not follow anyones calls, not even mr charts calls. Reason been tht at the end of the day its my money if it goes tits up and i only have confidence in myself. unless i agree with the calls and reasoning behind it.

So anyone 'if there is anyone' following these calls obviously feels tht this style of trading is the way to go.

Good luck to em, they are in for a rollercoaster of a ride.

this is on the spot. the most important thing is that when you personally go into position, you cant always explain ALL the reasons for the choice.. in my view the most important part to trading is the exit and following the tip doesnt exatly tell you where to quit, thus you will be sitting there much more willing to cut your profits short and let your losses run.
"As when the **** did goldman sachs or or morgan stanley even come close to doing what im doing on a daily basis"

oh deary me. just seen this pearler....

haha that is a classic.... i think i should learn that one... hahaha.. imagine if goldman had stoplosses on their short oil positions 20 dollars above the current price haha.... id like to see their shareprice...
And for those who think the FNM and FRE fall was out of the blue, have a look at this where I alerted those stocks on my watch list one and a half hours BEFORE they collapsed.....check out the time of the collapse and the time stamp (UK time) on the image of my alert.
Mods - this is not an advert, please don't take it as such; my group is private....

Just out of interest, what did you base your decision on at that point in time? its a good play.
ya never know Spanish could be having a good larf and a wind up.... he certainly can provoke people to act. No bad skill to have , he has alively open character, bags of energy, fearlessness of whacking a trade on against all open advice.

Sure he'll probably learn to be submissive,(or not) and maybe all the advice will only delay him.

Its fair to say, he does it his way. Whatever the outcome. :)
so much weakness in US equity markets. check it out, oil below 136.70 and yet its still falling

Gawd, spose bloomberg presenters will have faces like babies smacked arses again then...

Just tell em to hit the sell button....... never did get this one way obsession with prices, I mean they can go down as well as up so , they all think it doom and gloom....

When theres a raging bull day they all be smiling, but when the dow tanks a few hundred, they not so larfy and jokie ,thats for sure.

Why dont they say things like, wow we are seeing some great downside action, and a good day to be dumping those stocks.... ??
Why dont they say things like, wow we are seeing some great downside action, and a good day to be dumping those stocks.... ??

You've got to bear their target audience in mind, retail investors, not profesional or institutional (who watch it for the chicks, not the groundbreaking analytics). It will be to build a rapport with "John Doe", who are mostly long equities in their retirement funds, and so on. They don't to see happy jolly wall street types on their telly if they've just lost out.
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