software needed to set up a desk?

Hi guys, let me just say great site, really good info to be found on almost anything trading related!

Anyway, I have decided to get into the market after some serious studying. I would class myself as a value investor and am a big believer in fundamental analysis. However, after watching 'The Smartest Guys in the Room' about ENRON and reading about derivitives and how they can be used to hide debt and losses from the financial statements of companies I have realised that I cant rely on this technique alone. So, while my long term strategy will be to look for undervalued companies, I also plan to use options to capitalize on short term price movements and get in on the speculation game. My real question is more a hands on one. What do I need to set up my trading desk software wise??? if some one could give me a list or direct me to a link that outlines what I need I would be most greatfull. Thanks guys!
