Size of Options Market


Well-known member
Just more out of curiosity than anything else. Most retail traders are not really versed in options trading which would suggest it is more of a niche market. But a lot of institutions trade heavily in options.I was just wondering how large the options market is compared to futures on a volume basis. Obviously OTC stuff is hard to quantify but on an exchange traded basis.

no particular asset class, more interested to know the size of the exchange traded options market vs exchange traded futures market. Obviously we're dealing in approximations but just a rough percentage. If its easier to narrow it down say CBOE vs CBOT volume
just did a quick check on CBOE volume yesterday was about 2.5 million (seems very low) and CBOT futures volume 9.5 million (again seems rather low) but is it safe to assume options about 20% that of futures?
I'd say options probably 10%-15% of outright volume? That's a totally ballpark number...