Shorting US stocks


Guest Author
I have not traded US stocks for some time. Are there any restrictions for shorting US stocks? I am planning to use TradeStation as a broker.

Are there additional transaction costs for shorting stocks? I am planning to do daytrades only - no overnight positions.

Some might be restricted and therefore, you may have to wait for an uptick in order to short.

In other cases, your broker may not have an inventory for you to borrow - you can find a list of non-shortable stocks on your brokers website.

Otherwise, there shouldn't be any unique transaction costs associated with shorting U.S. stocks for day trades.
I have not traded US stocks for some time. Are there any restrictions for shorting US stocks? I am planning to use TradeStation as a broker.

Are there additional transaction costs for shorting stocks? I am planning to do daytrades only - no overnight positions.


some are restrricted will you need to go by stock screener

try this

good luck
thanks for your replies guys.

I had some email exchanges with TradeStation - whom I will most likely go with for trading the US equities - and they said that they should be able to take most of the short orders that I would be throwing their way.

They also confirmed that there would be no additional transaction costs for going short (compared to going long).