ProphetMax, Senen Pousa - any info?

Here is Joel Friant's website. How is he supposedly running
his own company at the same time as having a major involvement with
Prophet Max.

Contact – Sanook International, Inc.

I notice that he listed a Bellingham WA phone number for his
His phone number is active and he answers it with a machine
message identifying himself as Joel Friant.

There was a Bellingham number for IICorp but I
can't find that anymore on their website. They are just
listing a toll-free number that seems to go nowhere.

The plot thickens!!
These confidence men can easily take people because the real legitimate financial institutions are almost as confusing and almost as bad for returns. There's an opening at JP Morgan, maybe Senen or Joel could get in there.
Here is Joel Friant's website. How is he supposedly running
his own company at the same time as having a major involvement with
Prophet Max.

Contact – Sanook International, Inc.

I notice that he listed a Bellingham WA phone number for his
His phone number is active and he answers it with a machine
message identifying himself as Joel Friant.

There was a Bellingham number for IICorp but I
can't find that anymore on their website. They are just
listing a toll-free number that seems to go nowhere.

The plot thickens!!

Holy smoke. I looked at good old Joel's website and it's loaded with the same drivel they fed to the EVG membership!!

There is a link on his home page to 5X Trading 5xTrading. Check it out, it's like Senen simply used Joels information to form ProphetAxe
What is it with this Gold Coast place and financial scams? There must be at least 10 of them operating at the minute. How come we never hear of Australian scammers in Perth or wherever? Why are they all in one place? Is this also a centre for other criminal behaviour?
Possibly because the Authorities can't tell the difference between the scammers and the regular investment houses. Not joking.

Is anyone from EVG here updating the folks back at the EVG Facebook page. This might be interesting to them.
What is it with this Gold Coast place and financial scams? There must be at least 10 of them operating at the minute. How come we never hear of Australian scammers in Perth or wherever? Why are they all in one place? Is this also a centre for other criminal behaviour?

LOL, a few years ago everyone who had a scam had an office in Boca Raton, Florida. Maybe they all moved to Australia?
This from the Global Forex Management website;

"Liquidity is provided by multiple banks and other financial institutions via an STP clearing bridge network. Global Forex does not manage its funds with "market makers" but only deals on actual market prices and terms, ensuring that our clients’ capital and trades are protected from "market making"."

If they are an IB Capital partner, this statement on their website is just an outright lie.
Hey, listen guys and girls...

Before you start posting speculative 'cry wolf' bull crap, you should probably ask people who are ACTUALLY IN-THE-KNOW.

I happen to know Joel Friant personally. If you want to talk about someone who truly cares about others and a person of the highest integrity, you are talking about Joel.

You ask about why he owns another company.

That's because Joel is into Trade Psychology. Well before his involvement with Prophet Max, Joel coached people on the truth about trading and investing. The recent occurences with Prophet Max were HUMAN and TRADER ERROR.

It had NOTHING to do with SCAM or stealing people's money. That is the risk that is taken in a high-risk, speculative trading account. PERIOD.

The recent losses had NOTHING to do with Joel or even Senen; it was the trader making poor decisions and nothing more. Have some common sense on all of this.

Yes, the marketing of Prophet Max was about building up people's expectations. But, the fact is that the results were there for over 4 years and for thousands of account holders worldwide.

I do not know Senen personally, so I cannot vouch for him. Nor, can I criticize him. I don't know enough about him. But, I know Joel very well. And, I can tell you he would have done anything to prevent this had he knew it was going to happen. AND, he is doing EVERYTHING he can to help people move on from it.

5xTrading is owned by Joel and his friend Deron. That site was open due to an arrangement with a trader in South America. It has absolutely nothing to do with Prophet Max or Senen. And, in fact, Joel has since stepped away from any involvement due to his relationship with Prophet Max.

I also know Deron very well.

So, instead of speculating about all of this, why not ask people who actually know what is going on?

P.S. Why the hell would Joel (or, anyone in business) post their personal phone number / contact information for public display. If you can't find it, there is reason for it. Can you personally call up Bill Gates or Mark Zukerberg? I didn't think so. Common sense, people.
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Re: Joel Friant

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The Real Trading Truth which I believe is Joel's former operation.

I reviewed the trading agreement for a friend, and did some checking.

The IB Capital FX (NZ) LLP operation was registered on 03/12/2011 as noted above.

Note that IB Capital FX ( UK) which is registered in England was named on 29/11/2011 formerly being registered as GATEWAY FINANCIAL ADVISERS LLP .

Of course, none of these companies are either listed or unlisted companies, they are private Limited Liability Partnerships with no financials.

Joaquim Magro De Almeida AKA : Joaquim Margro Almeida is listed as the Director of many LLP's which you can obtain by doing a search in the UK.

The registered address for the majority of these companies is a serviced office in the UK.


There are 21 companies where Joaquim Magro De Almeida is listed as a Director or Secretary.

Here are some of them listed with other Directors associated with each of the Companies.










There are a number of possible reasons why JOAQUIM MAGRO ALMEIDA is associated with so many companies.

I doubt that there is anybody actually physically present in NZ.

A NewZealand Resident with a New Zealand Contact Address is required by the NZ Government for a person or company etcf to hold a financial services licence.

This can be done by using a local law or accounting firm or person and paying them an annual fee.

IB Capital FX is marketing to the public by way of its website. Are there actually any clients that have not come to IB Capital FX through Prophet Max ? I think you would have heard by now from an IB Capital FX client that was not part of Prophet max if there was.
This is Deron from 5xTrading. I was just alerted to this forum posting.

First of all, why is MY website being brought into this discussion? I have nothing to do with Prophet Max in any way, shape, or form.

I started 5xTrading by arrangement with a trader over a year ago. I brought on Joel - who is a good friend of mine - because of his expertise in online marketing and investment psychology. He KNOWS how to guide people through investing from a mentality standpoint (think Norman Hallet, T. Harv Eker, Tony Robbins, etc).

I have NEVER seen someone treat their members with so much respect and care as I have Joel. In fact, I have seen him work 22 hours per day for weeks on end just to make sure he was answering all of his member emails in a timely manner.

I can think of no better asset to a company than that.

As for all of this Prophet Max scam stuff. I can assure you, it is not a scam. However, I do not know the inner workings of the company, nor do I have any involvement with it.

I was told by a colleague of the recent losses to all of their client accounts and I am truly sorry to hear that. I would not wish that sort of occurrence on anyone – investor nor company.

But, I can tell you this: I know with a certainty that the people at Prophet Max are just as shell-shocked as the clients who lost money.

That’s my two cents worth.

But, please… don’t drag my website (5xTrading) into this. I wrote a large portion of the marketing commentary on the site (and yes, Joel wrote a portion of it, too). But, what I have at that site has nothing to do with Senen or Prophet Max or anything else.

And, all I can say is that if you are pointing your finger at Joel… I can promise you, you are pointing them at the wrong person. I am KNOWN in my circles for being a caring, self-less, and very generous person. Many people like me, trust me, and know I would do / give anything to help those I love and even those I don't.

But, I am not half the man that Joel is.
The unraveling of this bull hockey is going to take time; and it's being slowed down by those who willingly suspend disbelief to pacify Dillard.

Nurse. It needn't take time. As I and others have mentioned there needs to be swift action in the form of an independent audit--we all need to be looking out for that come Monday's conference call--

In fact ANY talk other than that is just hot air.
This is Deron from 5xTrading. I was just alerted to this forum posting.

First of all, why is MY website being brought into this discussion? I have nothing to do with Prophet Max in any way, shape, or form.

I started 5xTrading by arrangement with a trader over a year ago. I brought on Joel - who is a good friend of mine - because of his expertise in online marketing and investment psychology. He KNOWS how to guide people through investing from a mentality standpoint (think Norman Hallet, T. Harv Eker, Tony Robbins, etc).

I have NEVER seen someone treat their members with so much respect and care as I have Joel. In fact, I have seen him work 22 hours per day for weeks on end just to make sure he was answering all of his member emails in a timely manner.

I can think of no better asset to a company than that.

As for all of this Prophet Max scam stuff. I can assure you, it is not a scam. However, I do not know the inner workings of the company, nor do I have any involvement with it.

I was told by a colleague of the recent losses to all of their client accounts and I am truly sorry to hear that. I would not wish that sort of occurrence on anyone – investor nor company.

But, I can tell you this: I know with a certainty that the people at Prophet Max are just as shell-shocked as the clients who lost money.

That’s my two cents worth.

But, please… don’t drag my website (5xTrading) into this. I wrote a large portion of the marketing commentary on the site (and yes, Joel wrote a portion of it, too). But, what I have at that site has nothing to do with Senen or Prophet Max or anything else.

And, all I can say is that if you are pointing your finger at Joel… I can promise you, you are pointing them at the wrong person. I am KNOWN in my circles for being a caring, self-less, and very generous person. Many people like me, trust me, and know I would do / give anything to help those I love and even those I don't.

But, I am not half the man that Joel is.

I think you should shut up and run away very quickly.
Dear Deron

Then, Joel would do well to seriously question with whom and what he is involved in.

Joel has done very well NOT answering enquiries about the licensing of the operation in the USA.
This is Deron from 5xTrading. I was just alerted to this forum posting.

First of all, why is MY website being brought into this discussion? I have nothing to do with Prophet Max in any way, shape, s.

Probably because you're another parasite making fraudulent promises of easy money. Just give it up and go back to selling slimming tablets.
This is Deron from 5xTrading. I was just alerted to this forum posting.

First of all, why is MY website being brought into this discussion? I have nothing to do with Prophet Max in any way, shape, or form.

I started 5xTrading by arrangement with a trader over a year ago. I brought on Joel - who is a good friend of mine - because of his expertise in online marketing and investment psychology. He KNOWS how to guide people through investing from a mentality standpoint (think Norman Hallet, T. Harv Eker, Tony Robbins, etc).

I have NEVER seen someone treat their members with so much respect and care as I have Joel. In fact, I have seen him work 22 hours per day for weeks on end just to make sure he was answering all of his member emails in a timely manner.

I can think of no better asset to a company than that.

As for all of this Prophet Max scam stuff. I can assure you, it is not a scam. However, I do not know the inner workings of the company, nor do I have any involvement with it.

I was told by a colleague of the recent losses to all of their client accounts and I am truly sorry to hear that. I would not wish that sort of occurrence on anyone – investor nor company.

But, I can tell you this: I know with a certainty that the people at Prophet Max are just as shell-shocked as the clients who lost money.

That’s my two cents worth.

But, please… don’t drag my website (5xTrading) into this. I wrote a large portion of the marketing commentary on the site (and yes, Joel wrote a portion of it, too). But, what I have at that site has nothing to do with Senen or Prophet Max or anything else.

And, all I can say is that if you are pointing your finger at Joel… I can promise you, you are pointing them at the wrong person. I am KNOWN in my circles for being a caring, self-less, and very generous person. Many people like me, trust me, and know I would do / give anything to help those I love and even those I don't.

But, I am not half the man that Joel is.

Do you know "InTheKnow" post number 648 ?
Dear Deron

Then, Joel would do well to seriously question with whom and what he is involved in.

Joel has done very well NOT answering enquiries about the licensing of the operation in the USA.

That may be true.

Given the current circumstances and having to answer to presumably thousands of emails, I am sure it would take him time to get all his responses completed. That is not a defense of him; just a possible fact. I do not know for sure, I am not in his shoes.

However, and just knowing this type of business, there is probably a team of lawyers that are determining what he can / cannot say and when he can say them.

Beyond that, that's pretty much all I have to say on the matter because I am speculating just as much as everybody else here.
Yes, that who alerted me to this forum posting about my website.

I don't quite follow. Do you mean he called you up or e-mailed or something?

I'm not sure what relevance his post has you see, as he doesn't actually say who his is and what part he has has to play in all this.