Pithy & Witty Trading Quotes from Members


Legendary member
Spend any time on the forums of T2W and, before long, you'll read some really pithy comments. They'll range from the witty to the insightful and from acerbic to erudite. Hopefully, this thread will become a repository for the very best of them. Quotes can be from any forum and on any trading related subject. Please credit the member you quote and, ideally provide a link to the original thread. The quotes should be self explanatory and not require any further comment. Post #2 contains the quote that prompted the idea for the thread.
There are many examples of shining wits out there, as Dr Spooner would say, but I'm struggling to think of any quotes right now. Did anyone say "your ego is writing cheques your body can't cash"?
One that I remember from years ago and I cannot remember who posted it or which thread it was on but someone had asked about what "Swing Trading" is and the reply was:

Buy High, Sell Low and then get the Noose out.

Take the other side of the trade to the t2w member who says he's discovered the holy grail.
I always liked the long gone Bonsai's exits - "it was just sitting there looking at me"

I would like to nominate "your mum", which I'm fairly sure I've said in the last couple of days.