Paul Tudor Jones video

Elliott wave analysis and lucky trainers for the win!!
I love this vid. Had it on my PC for AGES now.
Thanks for link though.


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interesting vid. thanks.

i see on wiki it says

..ones uses a global macro strategy when trading in some of his funds. This strategy can be seen in the 1987 PBS film "TRADER: The Documentary". [6] The film shows Mr. Jones as a young man predicting the 1987 crash using methods similar to market forecaster Robert Prechter.

Although the video was shown on public television in November 1987, very few copies exist. Those that do are hoarded by traders who watch the hourlong movie in the hope of gleaning possible trading tips from Jones. On the Internet, bids for the video start at $295. According to Michael Glyn, the video’s director, Jones requested in the 1990s that the documentary be removed from circulation. [7] The video surfaced briefly on YouTube at the end of July 2009, before being taken down due to alleged copyright violation....
Looks to me like PTJ was part of the inspiration for the Gordon Gekko character.
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I really like his view of trades, good bets & bad bets (R:R ratio), and the way he doesn't see winning or losing trades, but rather performing and non-performing trades.

A good attitude, which eliminates the whole "ego doesn't want to be wrong" psychology.

12:00 That correlation is astounding, I may well have to dig out my copy of Prechter...
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tis a great watch, shows that the great ones are mere mortals like the rest of us

Is elliot wave trading shown on video great?The oil market was in a glut , so really a great piece of skill from the great ones?Don't forget the 2,000 hedge funds started over the last few years, with all the PTJ style traders that raked in trillions of profit.

The really great entertainment is reading these posts.:LOL:
what the hell are you on about? get help, seriously

I've given up reading what he writes; i always just sigh and feel confused at the stupidity and lack of ability to articulate what he really means...

I'm surprised not everyone else has done the same... Sometimes i just can't believe the crap he says; furthermore, he is so contradictive of himself, that i have no clue as to whether he is a trader or system seller or a paper-trader...

There are a lot of words thrown around these forums; but usually, the people in question are still in reality pretty grounded, and down to earth; but in this case; i genuinely think i've concluded that hes one of them people that doesn't have the correct social skills to communicate with effectively.

No offence intended.

There are few threads these days that don't have arguements, trolling, people trying to convey they know about something that they don't, putting eachother down, ego-boosting etc etc. However the non-farm payroll one recently was good (Thanks to BlackSwan) and they should all be like that!


P.s. Thanks for posting them videos, really enjoyed them and learnt alot from his enthusiasm, and clear passion/interest in what he was doing; going to try convey that equal enthusiasm & concentration to my trading.
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34'00"... focus on the money at risk, how much you can lose.

Sh-ninja - good spot, I didnt have time to watch the whole thing,. I just skimmed through it.
I found the same part - PTJ saying people would do better to think of what they can lose not what they can gain if they want success. Advice from an expert. I remember Seykota saying basically the same thing, the first three rules of trading - cut your losses cut your losses and cut your losses.