Newbie Forex Trading


Junior member
Hi Guys,

I've started froex trading (demo only as I am trying to learn) and am having trouble with trying to find instant reports, basically getting the most up to date details.

Is there any website that is free (or not too expensive) that I could use and install on the laptop for this? dealing in EUR/USD, GBP/USD, JPY/USD, EUR/JPY, USD/CAD, USD/CHF.

Also, very tempted to buy another monitor to have a few charts etc. going at once, is this advisable for someone learning?


Hi Guys,

I've started froex trading (demo only as I am trying to learn) and am having trouble with trying to find instant reports, basically getting the most up to date details.

Is there any website that is free (or not too expensive) that I could use and install on the laptop for this? dealing in EUR/USD, GBP/USD, JPY/USD, EUR/JPY, USD/CAD, USD/CHF.

Also, very tempted to buy another monitor to have a few charts etc. going at once, is this advisable for someone learning?



the best advice i ever got was you can have many monitors but you only have 1 pair or eyes, having more than 1 monitor wont help at all. well not when your starting out anyways.
Not sure what you mean by "instant reports". You don't need an extra monitor at this stage.

Hi Guys,

I've started froex trading (demo only as I am trying to learn) and am having trouble with trying to find instant reports, basically getting the most up to date details.

Is there any website that is free (or not too expensive) that I could use and install on the laptop for this? dealing in EUR/USD, GBP/USD, JPY/USD, EUR/JPY, USD/CAD, USD/CHF.

Also, very tempted to buy another monitor to have a few charts etc. going at once, is this advisable for someone learning?



Hi Pete,
In my opinion, it's a huge advantage to have a second screen.
Means you can click and drag a chart across, watch two charts at once, organise your workspace better, and also follow Internet Explorer for news, or Outlook Express for mail.
I installed a second screen three months ago and my productivity increased 100%.

Alec (Newbie FX Trader)
Now that I have started trading with two monitors I don't think I could go back. Too convenient. Necessary, not absolutely, but convenient.

If you want instant report such as breaking news, you could try free sources of information such as Bloomberg TV through for economic reports, or try and the forex stream.
Thanks for all the replies guys, at present I'm reading "the essentials of trading" by John Forman and won't make a decision in another screen until then. I will use the different reports and links ye have attached to try and learn as much as possible. I know it takes years but got to start somewhere.

If it helps anyone, another one I have been recommended is as it is linked to reuters.