New Trading Competition Update


The next competition is now scheduled to start tomorrow, after some technical glitches today with the new trading system. But thanks to feedback from last month's competition the following improvements have now been made:

1. All trades are delayed by 20 mins to compensate for the 20 min delayed feed. So Market hours for trading are now 8:00 until 4:30pm. No more opportunity to unfairly scalp small moves in the stocks.

2. Out of hours trading. Trades will now be accepted in the evening and any time when the market is closed inc. weekends. These will then be processed at 9:00am the next market day. So now all members will be able to play even those that don't have access to the web during the day.

3. Some cosmetic changes and more statistics.

If you have any suggestions or comments about the competition then email them to [email protected]
Now rescheduled for Tuesday Evening/Wednesday Morning. Sorry folks, its just taking a lot longer than I thought. And this time I want to make sure everything works A-OK!


The competition launches today! At the moment only buying and selling is allowed, I've had to disable shorting and covering until I can make sure there are no nasty suprises. But hopefully, this will be available some time tomorrow afternoon.

Enjoy.. and may the best trader win!


ps. Hope you like the enhanced portfolio and quote pages. As soon as shorting/covering gets the OK, I'll finish up with adding a few more stats.