the post edits and deletions
Ok lets just review what was deleted and the why shall we, before the truth gets out of hand.
Mp i will leave you till later cos that will be the best bit lol..
The edits and deletions in the thread "trading strategies"
Cut from Grants post 5
I note Nine replied second. His points can be safely ignored, as indeed can the Recommendation by Bramble (they collude).
Ok its a bit of banter between them but how is the OP, who is a new member, supposed to know this???
thebrambles deleted post
Clare, welcome to t2w. Don't want to derail your thread as some good advice being given (by most).
However, take no notice of Grant, he's angry and while it's nobody else's business, he has every right to be. You see, he only recently found out I was his father.
Sod's Law really - the one time I indulge in an act of beastiality and...
Anyway Grant, Mom says "HEEEEHAAAAWWWW!!!!" and as you're not too far away from Balckpool, pop down and see her on the beach this Summer. It's probably her last season, so, son, please...go say Hi. It'll mean an awful lot to her.
Really not the type of post to greet a new members first post in a first steps thread.
and I would you say it sails close to the wind on site guidelines also
2. Unacceptable Content
2.1 The use of inappropriate or offensive language is not permitted in these forums.
2.2 Unacceptable language includes, but is not limited to, any language or content that is sexually oriented, sexually suggestive or abusive, pornographic, harassing, defamatory, libelous, vulgar, obscene, insulting, threatening, profane, hateful, or that contains racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable material of any kind.
Cut from thebrambles post 6 (last sentence)
And in doing that, don’t find yourself feeling too sorry for Grant.
Referenced point that was now deleted
Chorltons deleted post
Hey Bramble,
Awww... I'm beginning to feel sorry for him now
Also referenced deleted point
Grants deleted post
"Father"?. Well, your those transgender reassignment sessions certainly paid off. So what are you now - a trans-sexual trapped in the body of a hermaphrodite?
"the one time I indulge in an act of beastiality." And in terms of lookers, the zenith.
Don't worry about me, mate. I'm well 'ard.
Yes, well, less said about that the better.
That's it, no more than you all can see here was touched in that thread.
You can make your own minds up how it all looks to newbs in first steps greeted by that, if Sharky tells me to reinstate that lot then I will, no probs.