Metastock: Alert when certain criteria reach - price, time, line


Junior member
Metastock: Alert when certain criteria reach - price, time, line

For Metastock Pro 9, I would like to know if the following alerts (sound &/or text) are possible:
- when it reaches a particular price
- when it reachs a particular price AND can stay above for a fixed period
- (I draw uptrend/downtrend lines around the chart) Alert if it touches any point on the lines

Thank you!

I also use MS pro9, and would really like to get answers to those questions. I have been surfin´ the internet for a possible plug-in that can to those thing, but no luck yet. Please, anyone??

Thanks a lot
1. yes, you can have price alerts. Just create an expert advisor and inside the "Alerts" section creaste a new alert which has as condition "C>35" for example.

2. Yes, you can have that too. And it is as simple as the firs one. The condition there must be "C>35 and Barssince(C<35)>20" lets say, if you want the period for which the price must have stayed above that level to be 20.

3. Yes, but it is very, very complicated. For this you need a more elaborate code and it depands on the rules that you define for that trend lines.
is there any idea in expert adviser ALRET for remaining me to run an indicator on specified date. the simple logic something like this :
the alret code will check a today date if today date is 12/12/2008 show me
a message otherwise none.

waiting your solve...


1. yes, you can have price alerts. Just create an expert advisor and inside the "Alerts" section creaste a new alert which has as condition "C>35" for example.

2. Yes, you can have that too. And it is as simple as the firs one. The condition there must be "C>35 and Barssince(C<35)>20" lets say, if you want the period for which the price must have stayed above that level to be 20.

3. Yes, but it is very, very complicated. For this you need a more elaborate code and it depands on the rules that you define for that trend lines.