Introductory thread


Junior member
Hello all,

Recently graduated :smart: and looking for work right now. I've pursued trading as a hobby on the side for a few years, plan on taking it more seriously now that I have more free time on my hands.

I've been reading up on some books related to technical analysis recently. Planning on using what I learn to to build the elusive black box trading system, or get as close as possible :D

I'll be posting more on this forum as I learn more over the coming months.

It wont be a black box if you build it yourself if you want to be pedantic but good luck. So what are you going to trade?
Status update~!

So I got a job in July of 2010, scraped together some funds and started trading in February of 2011 with 10k at Quest Trade.

After about 30 trades, I'm out about 6% of the money i started with(n) . A large chunk of this is due to the revolution that broke out in Libya on the morning that I started trading. That damn Gadaffi :mad:

Good news I've learned more about the non technical things that affect the Market the hard way by losing money. Fortunately it wasn't a lot as some of the risk management ideas I had in place helped me cut my losses :clap: