Idb & Market Making - London??


Hi All,

just wondering how tough things are in London at the moment.

I currently work as a equity dealer covering Irish, Uk & Us markets.At 24, I have two years experience, undergrad degree and currently manage a regional office of an Irish investment firm. I also have fsa reg & imc under my belt

The girlfriend is going to college there next year, so I decided to take a chance and see how things go.

I would be very interested in IDB OR market making i.e wins etc. I am open to junior roles just to get a foot in the door.
How difficult is it to find work at the moment? and what are my chances breaking into IDB or market making, I believe its all who one knows?
theres not many junior roles being advertised but supposedly there are still roles around... i'd think with your qualifications you'd be best approaching the companies directly with your cv and trying to find them that way or is there no chance of using some of your industry contacts?
Are you speaking to any of the Market makers in London?

If not are you friendly with any of the dealers that are?

If so subtly say that you're thinking about movig to London and would need a job.

Or find out who's the best person to send your CV to otherwis it'l get lost in HR
how did you get on looking for market making positions in london?
I am currently looking for similar junior roles, have both unit 1 regs/unit 2 securities but not much experience as have been caught up in the crap end of the market with dodgy small cap brokers.
I am currently working for a top 4 american bank in its compliance department, any tips/guidance would be greatly appreciated.
how did you get on looking for market making positions in london?
I am currently looking for similar junior roles, have both unit 1 regs/unit 2 securities but not much experience as have been caught up in the crap end of the market with dodgy small cap brokers.
I am currently working for a top 4 american bank in its compliance department, any tips/guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Ratch...I really need some advice and FAST!..I have graduated with a 1st Class Honours in Business and I have all my SII Certificates (ie. unit 1, unit 2, and unit 8)...I didnt get accepted into any of the investment bank because I havent done an intership with them..I have however been offered a job as a trainee equity dealer by a Company called City Equities ltd...I am very concerned though as I have heard so much bad stuff about small cap brokers...has anyone heard of this company and is it just a spank shop tht will wreck my career or is it worth working there for a year for some experience and then move on to the larger banks.....which small cap did you work for?

I wouldn't. Had several friends worked at City Equities and lets say they are not strictly blue chip. Many have had difficulty getting jobs after working there - if you lay with dogs you get fleas !
I wouldn't. Had several friends worked at City Equities and lets say they are not strictly blue chip. Many have had difficulty getting jobs after working there - if you lay with dogs you get fleas !

That's the second time you've made the same post on a different thread. Care to enlighten us?
Hiya. Sorry, just forewarning people. Have had a few friends had terrible trouble getting jobs after being associated with City Equities and also know that they are in quite big financial trouble
Hiya. Sorry, just forewarning people. Have had a few friends had terrible trouble getting jobs after being associated with City Equities and also know that they are in quite big financial trouble

It's pretty common knowledge that City Equities are one of the biggest spank shops in the City. Basically, they just flog crap small cap stocks to investors - the people doing it will be told what to sell and won't make any decisions themselves - just salesmen