IBD --> Trading Advice


Hey everyone!

Newbie here and my first post (hopefully of many! Haha)

Bit of background:

Undergrad (graduate July 2013) at LSE, study stats/finance, expected first class, off until Sept 2012 because of personal reasons but am trying to do something useful with the time, range of EC’s etc and lots of impressive/unique stuff.

Pervious Internship Experience:

Rotational program in summer of year 1 at an unknown London boutique – covered Corp Finance, Operations and Equities Trading. Found trading/operations quite boring (there were 3 Bloomberg machines and the office was really small).

M&A internship at a MM bank in London over Christmas year 1 – interesting. Decent people. Not really sure I liked the work that much though. Valuation parts were interesting but not massively interesting.

IBD Internship at an unknown boutique in New York over year 2 summer – really draggy. Valuation was interesting. Pitchbooks etc were okay but I’m not a fan of drafting 100 page documents.

This year – no internship secured mainly because I got rejected from all banks except Morgan Stanley (first round interview, then rejected). I feel I lost ‘being human’ because I over-focused on making myself an accountant for IBD when – truly and honestly – I am not really interested in Corp Finance that much.

My aim:

I am actually tired of IBD and I feel that trading would suit me better in terms of personality, fit, use of my maths skills, etc. I play quite a range of competitive sports too and like to keep fit so I guess IBD would wreck that. Lol

Ideally I would like to be a trader at a bulge bracket investment bank and then move over to a Hedge Fund or something in later years.


Should I complete the FSA this year since I have the time?
The CFA?
Bloomberg Certificate? (I can do this at uni)
Another qualification?

Work Experience:
The trading experience was in 2010 and putting M&A internship in my app will look silly right? Any ideas? (as I’m assuming its too late to apply – I am cold calling/emailing but its getting nowhere because my CV is IBD IBD IBD focused)
What do I do?

I’m participating in some interesting sports stuff this year, training for a marathon etc and just ‘living life’ to help me become well-rounded and interesting overall. Happy to email/PM you my CV link if you want… any further ideas would be great!

I signed up to some free forex training program… will start trading a fake account for practice, and then a live account and see how it goes.

My Question Is:

If you were in my position – what would you do? You have now – Aug 2012 to do anything (serious comments please).

Sorry for the long post but I hope you guys have some ideas!
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