I-Traders.com mini review


Well-known member
I have recently taken out an initial subscription to the i-traders.com Forex and Indicies daily research. Two city bods, in particular Shawn Downey, have started this daily research which is basically levels and an overview or roadmap to the coming days action. Since I only trade Euro, Cable Dax and S&P I cannot comment on the other markets, but the levels and calls in these markets have been very good so far. I may even take another month!

Mr Downey's book, Trading With Time, is also available from the site but is so complicated for me as a trader I think you may need a triple phd to read it. Perhaps he could write a simpler edition that people could actually understand for those who believe like I do in the KISS principle of trading.

I cannot comment on the other areas of the site. The research is well worth the 50 quid a month though.