I love you all

even I don't have a jpeg for this one!

Great one :).

They are all out in force tonight. Is Sunday night the night for making interesting, amusing, yet somehow not right messages on T2W?


p.s. i love you all too!

"My name is Tony Onyenweaku a nigerian. Am a graduate of sociology from the nigerian most prestgious and respected university, University of Portharcourt (UNIPORT)Yet to be married cos ive not found one yet (help is required here) Can marry from any tribe and region. am fun loving and likes playing scrabble a lot. I really need to be helped to succeed in forex. My former fiancee backed out when my trading wiped out. So i have every reason to succeed "to prove a point" I ve been tading for one year now, havnt achieved much anyway. So all hands must be on deck to make sure i succeed"

Seriously, Tony, proving a point to your ex is not a reason for trying to succeed at trading. I do hope you have another career apart from trading, if you are currently unsuccessful? Do you think turning a profit will bring her back? If she does come back will she really love you or love the money?

For what it's worth- you are better off without your fiancee if she cannot stick with you through bad times. (unless of course you are doing little more than gambling and not learning, then, i think that would make me run away too!).