How to get into trading


I was thinking of a career change, I am 28 and have been working as an IT contractor but it is getting a bit stifled and boring and I am looking to change careers. I would like any advice anybody has to getting into the trading industry and what success anybody has had with career change or is everybody who gets a job a new graduate out of university????
Welcome to Trade2win !

Have you done any IT contracting for the investment banks ? Working as trader IT support in the front office might give you a better idea if trading is something you really want to do, also you'll be getting paid well ! However, you'll need to get up to speed with some business knowledge to get the work. Which is a round about way of saying don't jump into trading for a living feet first without any experience.

Good luck


jkyle69 said:
I was thinking of a career change, I am 28 and have been working as an IT contractor but it is getting a bit stifled and boring and I am looking to change careers. I would like any advice anybody has to getting into the trading industry and what success anybody has had with career change or is everybody who gets a job a new graduate out of university????
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rog1111 said:
Have you done any IT contracting for the investment banks ? Working as trader IT support in the front office might give you a better idea if trading is something you really want to do, also you'll be getting paid well ! However, you'll need to get up to speed with some business knowledge to get the work. Which is a round about way of saying don't jump into trading for a living feet first without any experience.

Very worthwhile advice!

Getting into trading through the IT side will probably be easier given your experience, and the pay can be fantastic. The exposure you'd then get to the actual execution side of the business could go a long way toward letting you know if it's something you really want to do. Trading professionally for a bank or other institution isn't as glamorous as it may seem.
I have looked into this via recruitment agents and they basically say bugger off every time, they seem to be looking for people who have already worked int he industry which seems a bit weak to me. I have spoken to someone before and they said that it pays well because not many people want to do it because of the environment you are working in can be pretty heavy going. I am not bothered about that as I have worked mainly on short term high pressure jobs. Can you recommend companies I should try contacting directly as I am sure I would have more success that way and I have been contracting now for 3 years so I aware of the contracting culture, responsibilities etc.