On the contarary I was the one being facetious so I apologise.
Yes what you say is very true but is'ent this the case with the whole of Asia? Bribery and corruption is a way of life, I spent a bit of time in these countries and the locals could never understand, how one could work in the west without backhanders and bribes.
India percieve's itself as Asia's second power and as such spends more on its military than anything else disregarding its massive social problems, courting the threat from china, Pakistan is no real threat and in truth China would kick India's ass if need be.
And like you say clarifying what is a superpower is debatable considering the US spends 600 odd billion and the next 10 big spenders don't add up up to it.

Sorry Gamma for not being clear. I was actually referring to the stage and mindset of the leaders at the time. To go into all the detail is another subject all together but the that era was mismanaged and an opportunity lost. Of course the British had a part to play in it as it was part of there agenda. There were other candidates who could have achieved more progress but were sidelined because they would not have played ball with the English.

Why do you think India is a superpower ? It may have the potential to be one, the level of corruption is so deep it is at the root of everything. It is a country that is destroying itself from within . The current leadership is not concerned with interior affairs as much as it is about controlling,allocating and profiting from foreign investment

Leadership is weak and the newcomers are mostly from family dynasties. Half of the states are run like personal bank accounts while progress is delayed due to lack of funds.

Historical facts are there and to be found but current views are my own.
Is non violence relevant today? In fact has it ever been relevant ever? Gandhi was a champion of non violence, but then did he really gain independence for India through his non violent methods? I doubt that!

Hitler > Could he have been transformed with Love - I doubt that! So Had Military action against Germany not taken place, then the world would be a different map today.

Would Gandhi have survived, if his enemy was Hitler and not the British? I doubt it
Hitler would have exterminated him, just as he had killed millions. with Gandhi dead,
the non violence end!

Buddha talks a lot non violence, The Hindus virtually wiped out Buddhism out of India, a fact very few people know! > did non violence achieve anything for Buddhism? just as the Islamic invaders wiped out Hinduism and Buddhism from the present day Afghanistan and Pakistan. So yet again shows, that violence did win in the end.

Americans eliminated Saddaam - did he have WMD? The only weapon he had was to dump the dollar, and if successful, then that was end of America. So yet again Violence was a winner, it was through violent means that Iraq was conquered!

History shows that the strong wins, the one who uses force wins > so i am often comfronted with the fact that does Love has no purpose.? when violence wins!


Your Arabic name suggests a support of what Hitler did to the Jews and a distaste of Gandhi a Hindu.

You've really got to take a more subtle approach if you want to be believable.

God Bless UK, USA, Israel, and India in the global war on Islamic Terrorism.
Is non violence relevant today? In fact has it ever been relevant ever? Gandhi was a champion of non violence, but then did he really gain independence for India through his non violent methods? I doubt that!

me too, he declared war on me
