Hi All


New 2 spread trading have done a little bit with a five figured sum, have had some success and wins.
What is the best time of day to enter trading on the forex market, i am lead to believe 9.30 am to 11 am has a high volume and 2.30 pm to 4 pm has a high volume please advise.

Have charting systems in place, financilal instructions on direction of trades based on analysis of previous 24 hour movement and correlatation. only risking 1.5 to 3 % of working capital @ any one time, have a strategy and daily journal and spread sheets on all contracts entered into looking @ a 4 hour timeline on each daily position.

Please advise if i am doing the right thing.

Ta The captain106.
Re: Charts

What is the best time of day to enter.
Enter on the pit close, when your indicators in spreads case Stochastics tells you to enter. Parabolic is useful also. You want to get in when the momentum is in your favor from an extreme adverse price move.
only risking 1.5 to 3 % of .. capital
You have so much faith in your trading that you want to leave 97% of your capital not working?

This does not make any sense. Why not take 90% out and bury it in the ground so you don’t use it and just trade with the full 10% that is left.
have a strategy and daily journal and spread sheets
What about charts?

Email your self, your charts and you will have a record of whatever it is that you are doing.