Help breaking into the world of finance.


At the grand old age of 24 (and after repeated viewings of Wall Street) I've decided that trading is the life for me. However, as I am a non-graduate yet have excellent sales experience I assume that looking for a trainee broker role is probably a more realistic goal.

I'm in the process of calling all of the firms on the LSE directory and though I've had one or two leads, most places that I've spoken to are either looking for someone with a degree or something with previous broking experience.

Could anyone give me any advice as to where to look for positions or which Companies to contact? Through reading the other threads on here it seems that being a stockbroker is a realistic goal for a non-grad, I don't mind slogging it out with Essex wideboys or working for a small basic as I'm confident in my abilities, all I'm really looking for is a foot in the door and any help would be greatly appreciated.

