General Invitation for the1st Cairo International first Festival for financial market


General Invitation for the Cairo International first Festival for financial
markets 2010

We are invite you to attendee For the Cairo International first Festival for
financial markets 2010 and Participate in the interaction at the festival, Which
will be held , in the Saraya Hall the Intercontinental Hotel
Stars city in Cairo,
The duration of between April 13, 2010 to July 13, 2010 under the auspices of
the biggest Forex Companies and financial institutions in Egypt and the world
The festival includes the following
1- A selection of lectures by professors and experts in the world Forex
2- Participation in the interaction at the festival and get free brochures, CDs
& free courses
3- Follow-up developments in the market and follow the new in the Forex Market
4- A chance to meet senior forex experts and to Conversation with them
-5- Competitions to choose the largest accounts, and honor them and choose the
worst accounts
And help them through the brochures and free courses to improve their accounts
6- Choose the best company participate in the festival via a voting system using
Different evaluation
7- Awards and free gifts in addition to airline tickets and free accommodation
The most luxurious hotels in Cairo
8- The festival will be broadcast directly reactive in the festival for the
duration of his stay on the website Television
Arabs Forex and potential number of satellite channels like Al Jazeera and Arab
Economic and Al Arabia
The festival aims to
1- Upgrading the forex market in Egypt
2- Communication and exchange of experiences between users of Forex in Egypt and
the Arab world
3- Development and increase the expertise of users and to help owners of Forex
Accounts and Upgrading accounts
4- Definition of new users correct methods of trading

To attend you must register for free [URL = ""] site of the
[/ URL]
But will be open during the five days, God willing
As you know, and we follow the latest news, information, and festival details
Via [URL = ""] twitter [/ URL]
Via [URL = ""]
Face book [/ URL]
To connect with the organizers of the festival

Phone: 2 0111555413
Fax: 2 02 25566470
E-mail: info@...