FTSE100 Quotes

Presumably, or philosophically, not backward prices. Astrologically speaking, it could be the predicted prices of not the past nor present.
It may be that he has muddled terminology used in the Commodities Markets, let us wait and see...
Yes, that's right, Anon, that is why it attracted my attention in the first place. Let us wait and see what transpires. It my be a typo, who knows ?
FTSE100 forward prices??? is that a new contract??? never heard of it. do u mean futures?
You haven't heard of it because it does not exist, and that is what is intruiguing all of us here.
Forward (Cash) Contract: A contract which requires a seller to agree to deliver a specified cash commodity to a buyer sometime in the future. All terms of the contract are customised, in contrast to futures contracts whose terms are standardised. Forward contracts are not traded on exchanges.
I am still bewildered at the complexity of the question, and even more astounded by further perceptively conceptualising questions.

Is a Forward (Cash) Contract equivalent to forward prices for the FTSE 100?

Very intriguing.
"even more astounded by further perceptively conceptualising questions."
as opposed to silly questions.............I assume :)
Perceptively conceptualising questions can be quite complicating.

Silly questions tend to beget silly answers.
I am truly sorry I asked !!

What I meant was is there a site where FTSE 100 future indices are quoted for the purpose of trading either long or short of the quoted figure.

As all may have gathered I am not conversant with market terminology, neither am I totally appreciative of the supercilious responses. A simple answer would not come amiss. Thankyou.

unfortunately terminology is very important in trading, it takes a while to learn it all (We all get it wrong from time to time), but it really is important to try to get the terminology right or it is very difficult to answer your question.

As for FTSE futures you'll need a data feed from LIFFE, most vendors will supply this (although the UK exchange costs are high compared to others) and I'm sure other people will jump in now to give you some specific names.

None of the comments are meant personally though Peter.
Peter Banks, the FTSE 100 is the Footsie, an index.

The FTSE Future is a derivative of the Footsie, and such, in contradistinction to the above is tradeable.

There are several brokers who provide streaming prices in real time for their clients, delivered via the internet, for the purpose of executing trades in it.
Search Facility on T2W

peter banks said:


Some brokers will supply charts .....check "Brokers" under "Resources" tab at top of page.
More info. for beginners like yourself under "K.Lab." tab at top of page.
peter banks said:
I am truly sorry I asked !!

What I meant was is there a site where FTSE 100 future indices are quoted for the purpose of trading either long or short of the quoted figure.

As all may have gathered I am not conversant with market terminology, neither am I totally appreciative of the supercilious responses. A simple answer would not come amiss. Thankyou.
Where futures are available in the month you're interested in you can use that as the forward value. Very rarely do futures trade away from the forward (fair value) and even then it doesn't last very long.

Where futures aren't available, you can derive the forward value from that implied in the options market.

Now, does anyone have the new FTSE100 divisor ?

p.s. Forward price = Cash price + Cost of carry - dividends