ForexMorningTrade System

Hi Mark,

I see here that you have changed your strategy to now moving SL to BE at +24pips. Did you make this decision based on the results for September only or is it true that moving SL to BE would provide many many pips in the lng term. Has there been any backtesting done on the difference in perofrmance by using SL 40 and TP 40 and no breakevens and usng the breakeven at +24?

Secondly since I dont trade with MT4 the EA is of no use to me. can someone please nexplain to me how I can set up an alert so that when price is at +24 my computer bleeps so that I dont have to stare at the computer.

+40 hit today by the way.



Hi Alps,

I would not change my strategy just because one month results. Using the BE rule is better also in the long term. If you are in my mailing list I sent an email about it some time ago together with results of the backtest.
Mario - the version that I bought actually recommends the settings that I've listed earlier in the thread. It says that these settings yield the most pips over time, although I notice that Mark doesn't trade these settings himself.

I think I'll trade the trailing stop for a while and see how it goes - as you say it's personal preference so I think it's important that we each test out the settings and find the ones that suit our own trading styles.

I have been away for some weeks & are just reading the forum so if someone has replied to this I apologize in advance, Mark actually says on P13 of the FMT EA Manual to set Triling Stop Pips = 0.
Could you guys please post the CCI and Momentum and Entry Price(Buy or Sell) every morning if you are on the forum as I am not always near a PC, but can enter a trade with my Blackberry. I'm still in the process of trying to get a MT4 account> It would be greatly appreciated.
Could you guys please post the CCI and Momentum and Entry Price(Buy or Sell) every morning if you are on the forum as I am not always near a PC, but can enter a trade with my Blackberry. I'm still in the process of trying to get a MT4 account> It would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Alps,

I would not change my strategy just because one month results. Using the BE rule is better also in the long term. If you are in my mailing list I sent an email about it some time ago together with results of the backtest.

Could you post the results of the recommend settings too or you aren´t trading with them at the moment?

Okay - I forgot that people that didn't buy the system also hang out here. There must be some way that I can get the signal. I still need a ton of money to get a FXCM MT4 account and opening another account is such a pain in the a$$. I am happy with FXCM and don't really want to change brokers. Any ideas? I did buy the system if your wondering and it is awesome, but because I work shifts I tend to miss some mornings.
Okay - I forgot that people that didn't buy the system also hang out here. There must be some way that I can get the signal. I still need a ton of money to get a FXCM MT4 account and opening another account is such a pain in the a$$. I am happy with FXCM and don't really want to change brokers. Any ideas? I did buy the system if your wondering and it is awesome, but because I work shifts I tend to miss some mornings.

Can you get window 2003/2004 on your phone
Can you get window 2003/2004 on your phone

You asked earlier if some one can post indicators for you so i ask if you get windows on your phone if so you can down load a demo account

I've got a Blacberry so I don"t think I can have Windows on it. I have a IBFX demo account where I use the EA and then manually enter on my FXCM account. I am busy opening a live account with IBFX, but it costs quite a lot of money to open an account as my currency is about R7/1$(from South Africa). I'll make another plan - hopefully I don't catch all the losing trades when I'm home.
I've got a Blacberry so I don"t think I can have Windows on it. I have a IBFX demo account where I use the EA and then manually enter on my FXCM account. I am busy opening a live account with IBFX, but it costs quite a lot of money to open an account as my currency is about R7/1$(from South Africa). I'll make another plan - hopefully I don't catch all the losing trades when I'm home.

If you have a blackberry you should be able to get to this forum...So if you can find a member thats here every morning then perhaps they could PM you?

Unfortunately, i cant be on here at the right time everyday otherwise i would help.
Hi Alps,

I would not change my strategy just because one month results. Using the BE rule is better also in the long term. If you are in my mailing list I sent an email about it some time ago together with results of the backtest.

Cheers Mark,

I did get the mail, jut re-read it and its all clearly explained. I got a lousy memory.

I've got a Blacberry so I don"t think I can have Windows on it. I have a IBFX demo account where I use the EA and then manually enter on my FXCM account. I am busy opening a live account with IBFX, but it costs quite a lot of money to open an account as my currency is about R7/1$(from South Africa). I'll make another plan - hopefully I don't catch all the losing trades when I'm home.

ok dude just done alot of research their not going to make a programe for blacberry change your phone(is one solution sorry cant be of more help mate)
Hi Mark,
Is there a reason that the backtests for FMT are so poor prior to 2007? What are the chances that those type of market conditions will repeat themselves in the near future, and if they do recur how can we expect FMT to cope?
Thanks for the advice.
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