The Final Events Of Bible Prophecy has nothing to do with cults such as World Cult showed on C4 Wednesday night. "So lets get this right."
That opinion depends heavily on perspective I'd say.
For someone like me outside the clutches of a
historically mostly evil Church, a Church that through the ages had little if anything to do with a good God of Hope and Light, preferring instead to idolize a jealous and sexist God full of wrath, hatred and racism, both fatalistic outlooks have nothing at all to do with a God or a Universe of
Love and Forgiveness, of
Judge-not-lest-You-be-Judged, of a universally ubiquitous
"Golden Rule", of a
Ask,-and-You-shall-Receive, all the things, in other words, that are or
can be
good about us living creatures and give us hope for a future of
our making, for which we have been given the freedom of choice on this level.
By contrast,
Fearmongering has always been the instrument of choice whereby the few have, throughout the ages, tried to subdue the many into doing the formers bidding, doesn't matter if it's to start wars, or just basically
control the hoi polloi as the Church attempted to through most parts of the Dark Ages that have their name for good reason.
And throughout the ages nothing has ever been more effective at crowd control than
Scaring the living daylights out of em
and then
B: Offering em eventual salvation, which depending on who is doing the scaremongering can entail anything like victory over all "enemies", real or fabricated, even if that may take generations, lol, or, even more conveniently from a control perspective, salvation in an
afterlife. Whatever the case may be, salvation itself normally entails little more than toeing the line, cheering on the respective leaders while feeling great joy and happiness for their normally abundant lifestyles, and otherwise keeping the trap shut.
Not Cricket, my friend.
That is all you need to take care of while maneuvering through this dualistic life.
Bad and good are just two sides of one coin, basically everything you do just comes back to you.
Well, hmm, taken to it's logical conclusion that
would mean, I suppose, that those dire predictions of gory final days would come true for
some after all.