European data


Junior member
Hi everyone,

I am looking for accurate, reliable, fully adjusted end of day data for the European markets (Euronext, Xetra etc.) I use metastock and currently subscribe to premium data for all my US requirements and to parietch for the LSE. I've searched the forum and have found a lot of US and UK data feed discussions but nothing on the rest of Europe. I've also searched the web and have found a handful, but not too sure about them.

Anyone got any ideas??
Thanks rathcoole, but do you know of any stand alone services. I still want to use metastock as my primary anaylsis tool. I didn't see "metasock compatible" mentioned on the site?
Hi everyone,

I am looking for accurate, reliable, fully adjusted end of day data for the European markets (Euronext, Xetra etc.) I use metastock and currently subscribe to premium data for all my US requirements and to parietch for the LSE. I've searched the forum and have found a lot of US and UK data feed discussions but nothing on the rest of Europe. I've also searched the web and have found a handful, but not too sure about them.

Anyone got any ideas??


Why not try Reuters DataLink for European Data as well? Coverage is very good and covers all of the major european exchanges and most of the minor ones.
Data goes back fairly long as well, at least 10 years and for the major exchanges sometimes 20 years.

Thanks Craig,

I have tried them before but found their data to be extremley unreliable. I'm not interested in maintaining the data myself, rather focus my attention on trading. Not sure if you know premium data but that's the sort of service I'm looking for.

Any other ideas?
sorry if its been posted before but I am looking to get a live feed for UK and DAX futures. Am prepared to pay for this service.