Erroneous executions from IB software, what should I expect to happen now?


i have put in the email sent to IB on this matter, they still have not got back to me, not even an initial response. What do yourselves advise I do or should happen? Basically, I entered a sell stop limit order and a sell limit order occured.

thanks in advance guys n gals of course

"Dear IB,
as you know I have used yourselves for many years despite many shortcomings, particularly the RAM hogging software. "Brand loyalty" has kept me with IB, and admittedly relatively low commissions, though this can be significantly lower. "Brand loyalty" is wearing thin, especially after the TWS made a blatant error in execution.
In the 4 - 4.15pm period , I had entered a sell stop limit order for 130 call 129 call spread. Stop price was 0.15 and limit price 0.16; this order should never have executed as trade price was in 0.26 to 0.32 region. The software erroneously treated it as a sell limit order, according to Stan M.

The chat which occurred immediately after incident, luckily with one of the outstanding members of Customer support , Stan M, amongst few others, like Gareth Matthews and Ernest.:
nixon723: Stan , so you do clearly see that i did put in a stop limit order that shouldnt of been executed right?
Stan M: Based on time and sales, I would agree with you.
nixon723: not just time and sales. what i clearly inputed in the software!
Stan M: I will contact you as soon as I hear back from the technicians.
nixon723: clearly a fault in the software
nixon723: so Stan will you email or call me?
Stan M: I will email you.
nixon723: fine, when? tonight?
nixon723: in about 4 hours time?
Stan M: I will contact you as soon as I hear back from the technicians. I do not know how long they will take.
nixon723: today, right?
nixon723: this is URENT case, hey the software isnt doing what its suppose to!! if someone pressses all the right buttons to buy, they dont expect to sell
nixon723: but software sells for them,it dont look good on the software / IB
Stan M: i am not certain when they will complete the investigation
nixon723: ok, but l trust you to put the pressure on them right Stan?
nixon723: like every half hour
Stan M: I will speak with them initially So they understand the gravity of the situation.
Stan M: I am writing up the ticket now.
Stan M: Give me a few minutes and I will give you the ticket number
nixon723: thanks for understanding Stan, this is almost as serious as it gets, it goes beyond monetary loss,even though l only lost a dollar and commissions, its integrity of software, and service
Stan M: Ticket #724728 "