Easiest strategy

Not at all convinced but still listening.

It is not too risky to keep positions open overnight. It just looks more risky but in reality it depends how you manage your exposure.

If we are talking about the market represented by the FTSE100, I knew on Tuesday the market would probably be weak today and was short from then. I knew last night the market would probably see further weakness today and said so elsewhere on this site at 7:58pm and added a further sell order. I didn't see a rally today to sell into as you recommend until after 1:30 and it was dwarfed by the fall we had already seen. The FTSE opened with a gap below yesterday's close of 40pts and fell 60pts from there.

I suspect you have been quick and lucky so far in following short-term intra-day momentum, which appears to be driven by news, at least that's what journalists will say.

What did you trade today and how?

The tone of ECB president offset the problems of Cisco and Walmart. US traders needed coordinated action especially from US to help FED out.

I only trade S&P. I can paste the chart but do not know how to upload it in this environment
daily chat.JPG
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The tone of ECB president offset the problems of Cisco and Walmart. US traders needed coordinated action especially from US to help FED out.

I only trade S&P. I can paste the chart but do not know how to upload it in this environment
View attachment 33287

What is the dotted line and the solid like represent? Are those moving averages? What are the settings?