Dealing Floor or Kitchen Floor

Trading at home wins hands down for a successful daytrader.If you have a good system , you rarely need to ask other traders for advice or discuss ideas intraday.
Aside from possible access to all the newswires such as Bloomberg, I see no no advantages from an arcade or office environment.Trading costs can be negotiated with providers and in my field of trading ,I pay far less than the likes of STA traders who are under the so called 'corporate comm. rate'.
Its generally just the weak or those used to an office environment who require such interaction.
As for the boredom factor, its easily solved. Its called MSN and most of us use it to chat to other traders intraday.Also the likes of gni, have their forums to keep traders in touch with each other if required.But in reality, its those who like the banter rather than those discussing trades that tend to be the better traders.
As for overtrading or needing to be reminded about impending news as mentioned by a few...I suggest that's more to do with poor trading or not putting in the required effort.
A good system is a must I agree. It should include a good dedicated telecom line. I agree with you, aside from skimping on the bloomberg. This is a valuable tool - without it you certainly can trade successfully, but why disadvantage yourself. You should have that too
bundbaby said:
A good system is a must I agree. It should include a good dedicated telecom line. I agree with you, aside from skimping on the bloomberg. This is a valuable tool - without it you certainly can trade successfully, but why disadvantage yourself. You should have that too

Having done both, I can say that there is no right or wrong answer. Personally, I prefer trading from an office. I like the discipline of getting up very early and going to "work". I also find it so much easier to switch off when I leave the office. When I traded from home, I found t difficult to stop trading, particularly as I traded FX.
We were forced to go electronic first, but now we are used to it things are getting pretty good.

are you kidding? liffe market..yes you the liffe market, letting wholsale pre arranged trades through every day and powerless to do anything about it or even worse, inclined to try.......bunch of ****