computer has 'lost it'...


Established member
Hi guys. Having a nightmare with my computer today. I am posting this from another computer.

When I start up my computer, the start menu and all my desktop items dissapear. Then re-appear. Then dissapear about 8 seconds later, then re-appear etc....

If i try to start up a program it just cuts out when the 8seconds is up.

It wasn't quite this bad last night, although I was unable to access the internet last night. I am obviously still unable to access the web but now this is happening.

Also, I notice something called "drwtsn.32 exe" running in my processes in task manager that wont go away. Not sure it was always there...?...


The executable you describe is Dr.Watson, a debugger tool that coms with WinXP (info)

As for your other problems, try starting it in Safe Mode (hit F8 as it starts to boot) and see if you get the same problem. I'd hazard a guess at a graphics card or driver failure but that's just off the top of my head.

Run all your virus and spyware scans in safe mode, too. You never know.

If none of that works, come back to us.

In 'safe mode' nothing works. If i go to the 'start' button, my cursor turns into an egg timer and if i put the cursor on one of the desktop items and double click, nothing at all happens...
Could be f-nimda

I found a very similar problem to yours which was caused by the f-nimda worm. May be worth downloading one of the free nimda checkers/disinction programs to try and eliminate it from the equation. If you do a search for "f-nimda" on the web you will find quite a few free downloads.

Hope this helps, good luck !
I have been having the desktop items going on-off-on-off etc for about a week now.
The system does start eventually and is sometimes OK but is often crashing when I start a new application.
I can't be sure but think it may relate to when I last did a Windows update.
I'm running Windows ME.

candles said:
Hi guys. Having a nightmare with my computer today. I am posting this from another computer.

When I start up my computer, the start menu and all my desktop items dissapear. Then re-appear. Then dissapear about 8 seconds later, then re-appear etc....

If i try to start up a program it just cuts out when the 8seconds is up.

It wasn't quite this bad last night, although I was unable to access the internet last night. I am obviously still unable to access the web but now this is happening.

Also, I notice something called "drwtsn.32 exe" running in my processes in task manager that wont go away. Not sure it was always there...?...


:( :(
trevordavies said:
I found a very similar problem to yours which was caused by the f-nimda worm. May be worth downloading one of the free nimda checkers/disinction programs to try and eliminate it from the equation. If you do a search for "f-nimda" on the web you will find quite a few free downloads.

Hope this helps, good luck !


This may sound like a stupid question, but how do I download and run this program if my computer shuts down any program I attempt to run every 8 seconds or so? I really dont know much about computers. My flatmate knows loads but left for 2 months yesterday so i'll have to try and fix it without him. What r the odds, eh?

I also think that it has done something to my internet connection because I have a radio that usually starts up whenever I log on, but now when I log on it says that I am not connected to the internet...
also, anyone know any good computer forums that can help me (preferably ones where i dont need to register...)?
candles said:
also, anyone know any good computer forums that can help me (preferably ones where i dont need to register...)?, but you need to register.

Can you not run any virus/spyware programs whilst you're in Safe or Normal mode, or have you done these already?
hi Ros.

Im running something called 'antivir xp' as we speak. It is managing to carry on scanning my computer despite being interupted ervey 8 seconds by the by the "windwos in running in safe mode, bla bla continue, press OK"
very similar indeed....although i didn't notice anything about the internet connection. thanks though...
Done a system restore thingy after the scan (which fixed one apparent trojan). My icons and start menu aren't dissapearing anymore but i still cant get online. The computer next door that my internet connection comes through, is working fine (obviously...that's the one im using now)
Try looking in Device Manager (Control Panel, System) to see if there are any problems - indicated by a yellow "!".
Please clarify the connection situation - is the computer "next door" in an adjacent room in the same house? Are they connected to a router with dial up or broadband? Is it possible that the connection has been disturbed (being knocked by a vacuum cleaner is common!)
How did you used to connect (eg I double click an icon on my desktop or I can open IE and it prompts me)? What happens to it now?
Hi Ale.

You'll have to bear with me. You'll be hard pressed to find someone as useless with computers as me.

I went to control planel, system, and didn't see anything any yellow !'s.

The computer that i am on now is in the same house. room Next door. I think it is connected to a router with broadband. There is a little blue box in this room with a wire that goes through a hole in the wall into my computer. There is also something called a 'USB' under my feet in the room with the working computer (host computer??) The wires dont seem to have been knocked out or anything...

I usually just make sure that the main computer is conected to the internet, then just go into my office and double click on the internet expolorer icon. If i do that now, i get a 'the page cannot be displayed'. There is a symbol next to the colck on my computer in the bottom right hand corner of the screen, and if i hover my cursor over it, it says, 'limited or no connectivity'....
It should have read Control Panel --> System --> Hardware (tab) --> Device Manager.

I think its a spyware issue from what you've said now, rather than a device problem, but checking Dev Manager ought to give some indication.

Do you have/use a firewall? I presume you're connecting through a router, or are the two PC's connected simply via a crossover cable, with the host PC connecting via modem?
I have that yellow exlamation market next to something that says:
CSCI/RAID host controller

I think i am connected through a router.
Go back to the yellow ! and double click the item.
You wil get a Properties window.
Have a look at the info on each tab - does it give any clue as to what is wrong?

BTW - what version of Windows are you running?
candles said:
I have that yellow exlamation market next to something that says:
CSCI/RAID host controller

I think i am connected through a router.


So, if you click on the exclamation mark, what does it say?

Do you have a serial ATA/RAID hard drive set up, or a traditional hard drive setup? (can't see why a prob with the HDD would cause the sort of problems you're having but there you go)
Good points.
Candles, do you have Adaware SE, Spybot and SpywareBlaster?
If not then download them onto the working pc (save to disc) and transfer to the broken one - the files are too large for floppies so you'll have to use a memory stick or CD.
Run the exe files for each to install them; then run them to clear out the rubbish.
You can find the files by a simple Google search - they are free.

I'm still not sure that will solve your problem but it should be done anyway.