Best Thread CMC Markets owner answers your questions

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Hi Lance
Have you been some where you sound like the voice of reason, a spokesman for the common man. Where it falls down is that you just do not listen. You are welcome to your opinion but the stats prove the complete opposite to what you are saying. Still listening probably never was one of your strong points.

keep on banging away with the say old points if it makes you happy. I go on stats not words. If I went on words I would be out of business very quickly. 22 years later I am still here. We are giving clients what they want (generally) and a three hundred percent increase in business in less than one year on new technology has some kind of story to tell dont you think. Think you need to move onto another thread. maybe your current broker will have a thread and you can stay on that all day and tell them how wonderful they are.


Hmmm.... I think I do change the points and complimented you for the great work you've done for the last 22 years.
On the other hand we get the same reply from you.... Next gen is great and you have 300% growth (afteer significantly increasing advertising).
My advice would be do not trade with this company. This man stays silent about the fact that his company can and does "correct" your bets on the market. I won £298.00 with them which was credited to my account, on the monday morning I awoke to find that they had "corrected my winnings by taking the money I had won back out of my account by dumping a losing bet in to my account which bore no relation to where the market was at the time the bet was dumped. They can and will deplete your account. This might be why peter is a billionaire and to date has said and done nothing about the situation. I have proof of everything I am saying.

This sounds like crap. I reckon you took advantage of bad pricing.
Or send a mail to PC directly. Failing that, try International Rescue, because I doubt anyone here can help.
I never liked the idea of spreadbetting, ie betting against the broker rather than trading the underlying markets. There appears to be a conflict of interests with the broker in spreadbetting. The only advantage seems be that it is free of CGT, but that shouldn't be an advantage as tax is already paid via the spread, and personal allowances apply to CGT as with income tax. So I trade using CFD as I doubt there is much, if any, Tax incentive to spreadbet. That way CMC only take commission rather than taking the other side of the trade.

It would be interesting if somebody did a study on how different CFD and Spreadbetting prices are for shares, taking into account the spread adjustment. Would be surprised if there was any.
It would be interesting if somebody did a study on how different CFD and Spreadbetting prices are for shares, taking into account the spread adjustment. Would be surprised if there was any.

People are crazy thinking brokers try to stop them out. They just take the spread or take commissions.
Hi Peter,

As you know I am a fan of the old CMC platform and have had to spend the last week looking and qualifying a replacement for CMC. I have tried and tried again to make some sense of your new platform but its a disaster. The black EMA that cannot be colour customised are actually a dangerous option as they mislead in similiar co9lours on a black background. I know loads of people who fed up with your new platform and I understand that IG INdex had had a big percentage increase in the clients from CMC recently...over 100 a day?
Kevin Joyce
Some of the insantiy on display on this thread is stunning; Sally Farmer can't take responsibility/let go of her small loss that happened just after VE day, Sir Lanceloser poking the cage from a safe distance, now this sock puppet guy who Peter is supposed to know of.

For months we've had folk rabidly chasing their tails day after day re. the same nonsensical reasoning that they can't trade with a certain platform, or charting package as it makes their eyes bleed and the left hand side of their brain go into spasm as they foam at the mouth whilst having a bout of epilepsy..

Meanwhile they make no money trading, or any progress with their personal trading development, and never will because they're wired all wrong..
This sounds like crap. I reckon you took advantage of bad pricing.

bad pricing? oh dear, poor cmcmarkets! I thought that when a contract is made and won they simply paid out, I had no idea that as the client I must check that they gave "the right price" would that be a price whereby I lose I wonder! What about the dumped in to my account trade? with a contract I did not make at prices that bore no relation to the real market whatsoever! cool eh? Wish I could run a business like that - When is their licence re-newed ? I feel I must drop them a line!
bad pricing? oh dear, poor cmcmarkets! I thought that when a contract is made and won they simply paid out, I had no idea that as the client I must check that they gave "the right price" would that be a price whereby I lose I wonder! What about the dumped in to my account trade? with a contract I did not make at prices that bore no relation to the real market whatsoever! cool eh? Wish I could run a business like that - When is their licence re-newed ? I feel I must drop them a line!

What was your pip loss?
Hi kevin,
Thanks for your posting.
Not sure where you get your information from but it is completely untrue. Our Next gen Uk spread bet business is growing at 300 percent from one year ago. Although you are not a fan the uptake of new clients and account opening proves that next gen is a complete success. Now we have launched trackers in Germany and Uk the success continues with unprecedented uptake. I base this all on figures not on my personal love of next gen technology.
Now couple of points here.
1. I cannot say anything on a public forum that isnt true.
2. That time will tell how successful next gen is.

We have exchanged various emails on your views of next gen and thanks for now making those views public. However, I have to crunch the numbers and despite what you say the numbers are stunning.

Good luck with trading with your new broker but remember the door is always open if you want to come back to us.

regards peter

Hi Peter,

As you know I am a fan of the old CMC platform and have had to spend the last week looking and qualifying a replacement for CMC. I have tried and tried again to make some sense of your new platform but its a disaster. The black EMA that cannot be colour customised are actually a dangerous option as they mislead in similiar co9lours on a black background. I know loads of people who fed up with your new platform and I understand that IG INdex had had a big percentage increase in the clients from CMC recently...over 100 a day?
Kevin Joyce
What was your pip loss?

i do not consider that I suffered a pip loss as i do not accept the bet that was placed in to my account by cmcmarkets. It could not be called a contract as I did not agree to it. They removed £298.00 from my account.
Hi jason,

I have had this question so many times and every time I have answered it.
If you want to know the answer search through this thread.
thanks Peter
Hello Peter,

My questions to you are what percentage of your clients are profitable? What do the majority of your profitable clients trade and how long do they keep their trades open for?

so what's your point ?

Hmmm.... I think I do change the points and complimented you for the great work you've done for the last 22 years.
On the other hand we get the same reply from you.... Next gen is great and you have 300% growth (afteer significantly increasing advertising).
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