Climate Change

Let's supposte climate change is a total bullshit, a conspiracy by "strong powers".
My common sense and my scientific education tell me that electrifying stuff is going forward from internal combustion.
Even if greenhouse effect is BS pollution is still a big problem, people is dying because of pulluted air.
Producing electricity from the sun is an inevitable future and a better way to have energy intead of burning stuff.
Let's supposte climate change is a total bullshit, a conspiracy by "strong powers".
My common sense and my scientific education tell me that electrifying stuff is going forward from internal combustion.
Even if greenhouse effect is BS pollution is still a big problem, people is dying because of pulluted air.
Producing electricity from the sun is an inevitable future and a better way to have energy intead of burning stuff.
Deliberately or otherwise, you're doing what climate alarmists do which is to conflate pollution with man made climate change. They are two very separate and distinct things. Your common sense ought to tell you that the former is a massive problem that needs to be tackled asap and that the latter is mostly gobbledygook based on flawed climate models which completely disregards almost all available evidence. As for whether or not it's a conspiracy by 'strong powers' is neither here nor there.
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Let's supposte climate change is a total bullshit, a conspiracy by "strong powers".
I've been giving this some thought and think I've uncovered the conspiracy by "strong powers" to which you refer!

”KAMALA HARRIS: “When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and REDUCE POPULATION, more of our children can breath clean air and drink clean water.”
"If temperatures are going up in Europe, at least in the short to medium term - FEWER people are going to die."

Another brilliant monologue from the ever excellent Neil Oliver. Enjoy . . .

‘This is disgraceful for a supposedly scientific journal’” – Patrick Moore, the co-founder of Greenpeace, presents a chart published by Lancet that exhibits an unequal Y-Axis, downplaying the fact that cold weather causes 10 times more deaths than heat in Europe.

This is from the interview with Bjorn Lomborg in the YouTube video posted before the Neil Oliver vid'. It demonstrates the lengths to which the climate change grifters will go to hoodwink everyone and stoke fear in order to get us to comply with their agenda. Truly pathetic.
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A witty summing up by PJW of the latest round of fear mongering nonsense from legacy media. Enjoy . . .

Electric car fires adding to global warming climate change.

A Dutch coastguard spokesman said the fire was probably caused by one of 25 electric vehicles on board the ship.

Last year a cargo ship carrying 4,000 luxury cars caught fire and sank off the Azores. Lithium-ion batteries in the cars caught fire and firefighters needed specialist equipment to put out the fire.


Last Year’s Nobel Physics Laureate Signs World Climate Declaration Stating ‘There is No Climate Emergency’

"One of the giants of modern science, Dr. John Clauser, has signed the World Climate Declaration (WCD) that states there is no climate emergency. Dr. Clauser is last year’s joint winner of the Nobel physics prize, and he recently sent shock waves through the climate industry by stating the popular climate narrative “reflects a dangerous corruption of science that threatens the world’s economy, and the well-being of billions of people”. The WCD argues that climate science has degenerated into a discussion based on beliefs, not on sound critical science. . ."

Btl comment from 'CHRIS':
"Throwing trillions into the madness that is “Net Zero” will end up killing billions of people world wide. Extreme “Net Zero” ideology means shutting down almost all industrialised agriculture. It means limited or no winter heating for citizens of cold climate countries and it means limited or no air conditioning for hot countries.

No heating, no cooling, no food.

Net Zero will become the Holocaust times 1000 if allowed to become reality.

People in Governments around the world already know this but they’re too busy gorging from the taxpayer funded green energy scam trough like the little corrupt scum balls they are.

Every media outlet and “journalist” that promotes Climate Change hysteria will be complicit in the murder of billions."
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