Cityindex 1 point spread on the Dow

I know city index have a 1 pint spread on open hours. Thats what I wrote! But when the Dow is closed its a 4 point spread.

Beause of the time difference I usuallytrade futures on the Dow. On their platform it clearly states the spreads as:

08:30:00 - 15:29:59 (GMT-6) 1 points
15:30:00 - 08:29:59 (GMT-6) 4 points

As for the inernet connection I have ADSL2 and its not a connection problem. We (and by we I mean other customers that I know use the platform and had similar probmes) have allexperiecnced similar issues and also been advised that others have by CWA.

As I mentioned vefore, if you are hveing success on it then good for you. I have no grievances but just be aware that it is prone to problems, that I have not had with other platforms. CWA / City Index have admitted they have had problems and have had to refund and complensate for a LOT of customersd trading failures due to platform malfunction. Trouble is, somethimes it is not possible to prove a system failure and thereby receive compensation. They say they are working on it and I hope they fix it.

I didn't think SBs ever gave refunds or compensation because of platform problems. The T&Cs basically mean that nothing is ever their fault.
FWIW, since they reduced spreads the Fins platform has been very dependable for me, and I'd use it in preference to most others. Occasionally the charts go out of synch with their prices, but the 1pt Dow works very well.
I didn't think SBs ever gave refunds or compensation because of platform problems. The T&Cs basically mean that nothing is ever their fault.
FWIW, since they reduced spreads the Fins platform has been very dependable for me, and I'd use it in preference to most others. Occasionally the charts go out of synch with their prices, but the 1pt Dow works very well.

Thanks Ross for the tip. Will try Fins platform.
The City Index guys had no choice but to refund. There was still a lot that I could not prove but I submitted alot of screen prints toshow delays, etc, and at other times they had to admit platform issues, so the refund was a cheaper way for them than to lose custom or get bad PR.

I just got fed up with complaining! I still have minimum funds there for stuff like the Dow or ASX and some metals, but not for the majority of my trades expecially hedging over announcments or forex as it failed or delayed far too many times. A 2 or 3 second delay can mean quite a large loss on forex as I am sure you are aware so imagine what a 2 or 3 minute one was doing. ( I was hegeing bets either side of certain forex depnding on news announcments, but this platform started to cost me more than I would make! so I use IG and trying CMC now and am still loking for a better alternaitive I can move all my account to rather than have 2 or 3 accounts.)
Thanks Ross for the tip. Will try Fins platform.
The City Index guys had no choice but to refund. There was still a lot that I could not prove but I submitted alot of screen prints toshow delays, etc, and at other times they had to admit platform issues, so the refund was a cheaper way for them than to lose custom or get bad PR.

I just got fed up with complaining! I still have minimum funds there for stuff like the Dow or ASX and some metals, but not for the majority of my trades expecially hedging over announcments or forex as it failed or delayed far too many times. A 2 or 3 second delay can mean quite a large loss on forex as I am sure you are aware so imagine what a 2 or 3 minute one was doing. ( I was hegeing bets either side of certain forex depnding on news announcments, but this platform started to cost me more than I would make! so I use IG and trying CMC now and am still loking for a better alternaitive I can move all my account to rather than have 2 or 3 accounts.)
You will have an issue with every SB when it comes to news trading. There is a problem for the SB with fixed spread during important news releases. The spread widens in the real market but the SB have to keep their fixed spread. Prior to the new announcement it is usually a much better price than that of the real market.
You will have an issue with every SB when it comes to news trading. There is a problem for the SB with fixed spread during important news releases. The spread widens in the real market but the SB have to keep their fixed spread. Prior to the new announcement it is usually a much better price than that of the real market.

I think you'll have problems with any type of trading over news. Again, at one time SBs obviously tried to introduce as much slippage as they could get away with, and/or let the platform crash completely. Things are much better now, even with the tighter spreads generally offered.
Must have been tempting fate... Used Fins several times yesterday and platform was working with all the speed of a geriatric snail.
Where have all the is all Cityindex traders gone, I want live reports? For me personally City is no. 1 when it comes to trading the Dow, unbeatable price and execution. Why some trade the Dow with other SB's I don't understand (could be the absence of a user predefine stop loss in points). The previously reported platform issues is not a problem. How does these boys at City manage to keep it up, even some of my American friends are jealous for not being able to trade the Dow future at that price, even though it is SB with its limitations.
I think they are quietly getting a lot of things right,

The platform is now very reliable and really like the way you can trade and set stop and limit at the same time.

I Phone app is best I have used and charts are good for i phone too.

An imporovement of charts on the web platform would be nice but on the whole they are doing all the right things imo
I think they are quietly getting a lot of things right,

The platform is now very reliable and really like the way you can trade and set stop and limit at the same time.

I Phone app is best I have used and charts are good for i phone too.

An imporovement of charts on the web platform would be nice but on the whole they are doing all the right things imo
Yes I find the platform quite fast, and you get executed most of the times. Occupationally you do get a "price no longer message", but I am kind of surprised it isn't more often, with that kind of spread. They have a really fast price feed, and their system and servers seem to be top of the line. Remember I am trading from Sweden, so that makes it even more impressive. I sure hope it stays this way, so one can settle down trading with them, without running around looking for a reliable and good SB provider.
Where have all the is all Cityindex traders gone, I want live reports? For me personally City is no. 1 when it comes to trading the Dow, unbeatable price and execution. Why some trade the Dow with other SB's I don't understand (could be the absence of a user predefine stop loss in points). The previously reported platform issues is not a problem. How does these boys at City manage to keep it up, even some of my American friends are jealous for not being able to trade the Dow future at that price, even though it is SB with its limitations.

Could be that people just don't bother posting much when there's nothing to moan about. It's a pity City can't get their charts to match their actual price quotes, but no complaints otherwise.
Could be that people just don't bother posting much when there's nothing to moan about. It's a pity City can't get their charts to match their actual price quotes, but no complaints otherwise.
Could be, Peter at CMC had that explanation (although I don't think that holds for a new SB service). I very seldom use the charts provided by the SB I am trading with, so I haven't even checked City's chart service.
I might give them a try, what are their after market hours spread for the Dow?


I think they are quietly getting a lot of things right,

The platform is now very reliable and really like the way you can trade and set stop and limit at the same time.

I Phone app is best I have used and charts are good for i phone too.

An imporovement of charts on the web platform would be nice but on the whole they are doing all the right things imo
The drawback has to said once again, no user predefine stop loss in points. You have to be secure in your entry of stop loss in order to trade with Cityindex.
I might give them a try, what are their after market hours spread for the Dow?


Not particular good, 4 points I believe it is on the Dow future. I very seldom have overnight positions, so it is of no problem to me. I trade the Dow future, only 1 spread (1 tick) during US open hours. I have compared the price feed with real future chart, spot on I would say. Little bit of deviation, a point, not often, and nothing that will have any bearing on ones trading.